Ceatec 2013 – Toyota’s Winglet

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Ceatec this year was filled with many auto companies showing off their newest technologically-enhanced concept vehicles. Toyota was no exception. Revealing its Winglet concept, it invited attendees to muse over a new and improved Segway, but brightly colored, as it is similarly two-wheeled and self-balancing. But, it has made some significant advances, including a chassis that pivots, enabling the wheels and the rider’s feet to lean in to the turns. This creates a much more secure feeling than turning on a Segway. Additionally, Toyota’s Winglet comes in a model that has no need for handlebars, enabling you to cruise at up to 6 kph totally hands-free.


That particular model took a little more practice than the handlebar-equipped version, as you only have a small support against your shins to lean against. But, the machine itself is impressively stable in either configuration, and with only a few moments’ practice it was easy to zip through the obstacle course Toyota had set up. This stability is due in part to the new larger design of this Winglet, which was originally shown in a smaller design back in 2008, before being pushed to the back burner until now. It may have just needed the opportune moment to be acceptable in the market as a new innovation.


While it’s easy enough to ride, using one on the road might be a little more complicated. The main one is that it’s illegal. Japanese laws prevent the use of devices like this on either the road or the sidewalk, a curious state of legislation given that it’s perfectly legal to slalom pedestrians on your bicycle here. It is also curious considering the limited amount of space in Japan for cars – as evidenced by their ingenious vertical garages that are reminiscent of electric filing systems. Toyota is keen to show that their design is safe in the hopes of getting legislation overturned, and it plans to start by distributing Winglets in accepting train stations and shopping centers.

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