Car Tips and Tricks

Car Selling 101 How to Avoid Common Problems When Selling a Used Car

Car Selling 101: How to Avoid Common Problems When Selling a Used Car

Selling a used car can become hassle-free if car sellers choose the right platform and avoid some common mistakes. The process can be more challenging for inexperienced car sellers as the used car market has a vast variety of options available. The variety can make it difficult for them to make the right choice. While …

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Should You Part-exchange Your Car or Sell it Privately?

Upgrading your used car to a new one appears hassle-free with the part-exchange method. It refers to selling an old car and purchasing a new one from a dealership while settling the difference between two payments. The method seems fast, convenient and stress-free as most of the paperwork is handled by the dealership and the …

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5 Tips for Selling Your Car Safely in the UAE

Selling a car privately can be a serious challenge for car sellers, especially if they do not have any prior experience. Private selling of a vehicle is vulnerable to car scams, especially if car sellers choose to sell their car through classified websites. The level of difficulty is understandably higher for inexperienced car sellers who …

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Should You Sell Your Car to A Specialist Car Buying Company or Through Online Classifieds?

One of the most common ways of selling a car in the UAE is through online classifieds. These sites provide a platform where car owners can post their car in a specific category. So, when a potential buyer is searching for a particular vehicle, they have to fill out a form based on their preferences …

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5 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Driving Skills

Road accidents are one of the major causes of fatalities in the UAE. These fatal accidents are caused by careless driving habits such as reckless and distracted driving. In any case, drivers must follow an effective driving strategy to practice ultimate road safety. A responsible and well-trained driver makes the road safe for everyone. Moreover, …

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5 Car Maintenance Tips to Maximise the Resale Value of Your Car

Frequent car maintenance is exceedingly important to ensure smooth functioning of a vehicle. Proper maintenance of a vehicle not only extends its life, but it also boosts the resale value of the car. Depreciation of a car adversely affects the car’s resale value and results in a financial loss for the seller if they decide …

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