Cars Will Soon Be Talking To Each Other To Avoid Accidents

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The idea of cars communicating to one another is not new to the ears of people well-versed with the new technology in the Dubai cars soon to be disclosed to the public. States like California already licensed driverless vehicles to operate on roads which implement the idea of cars talking to one other. Efforts have been put to promote vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V) for a better road safety and minimize road accidents. Each of these cars contains car information about the other car its talking to, obstacles or pedestrians in a blind curves.

To come up with an idea is quite simpler than implementing it. There are many setbacks in implementing V2V which include: the system requires a legal framework and allocation of a wireless spectrum to enable vehicles talk to each other. The V2V system has been tested over years proving that the system can accomplish a number of things like determining if a car can safely make a left turn across traffic by calculating the speed of oncoming vehicles, deciding whether it’s feasible to overtake another car and whether it’s safe to enter an intersection with limited visibility. Such modifications will raise the car price of cars equipped with the technology.

However, the technology requires the replacements of all cars and the infrastructure to be upgraded as part of the system. Companies like Honda, Nissan and Toyota welcome the new lifesaving technology and ready to execute the new technology in cars. The system though should be compatible with smart phones and tablets to ensure smooth communication with people.

In situations where a car breaks down, it’s programmed to communicate to other cars to divert to another route, however, if someone hacks into the system creating a series of congested spots all over the city, it can greatly cause the traffic in the entire city to shut down. The aim of this technology is to produce a car that can drive itself better than a human being with the government having ultimate authority to shut off a car when it feels it has driven enough.

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