Car-seat Safety

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Car-seats are the only thing that can protect a child in the event of an accident. They are too small to be secured by a seatbelt, even up to the age of 6 or 7. Being the only way parents can protect their children in the car, there are quite a few things that we need to remember. After all, the majority of us spend a huge amount of time driving with our kids.

Safety tip #1: DO NOT buckle your child in when he’s wearing a thick coat.

You always want to make sure that the belt is tight enough on the child to protect him if there were an accident. At the chest, take your first two fingers and slide them under the belt. If there is still some more room, tighten it up! It only takes a few seconds to adjust your child’s belt every time and it is totally worth it. When a child is wearing a heavy coat, there may be too much space in between the belt and the child. It also may leave too much space between the child and the back of the seat. Car-seats are designed for children to sit in a very specific way, and if they are not seated properly, they might as well not be in one. If it is too cold to be in the car with a coat, let him put it on backwards once he is buckled in. If your child doesn’t like this idea, give him a blanket and a hat.

Safety tip #2: Put an identification sticker on your child’s car seat for emergency services in the case of an accident.

This one is easy. All you have to do is fill out a sticker or label with the child’s information: name, address, phone number, date of birth, emergency contact information, doctor’s name and phone number and any medical issues they may have. If for whatever reason the driver becomes unconscious and the children are unable to speak, whether scared or too young, the rescuers can assist them better.

These two tips can save your child’s life. Take a few minutes to do this!

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