How to buy a car!

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Finding the perfect car for you and buy it is not an easy task because there are many decisions that must be taken and many options that must be found beside the various colors that you should choose from in addition to the price where it is a major factor in this process.

Let us see how to go step by step in order to get the best result:

1) Prepare a list of what to look for in the car and why you will use it.

2) Sort the list by the importance of standards for you.

3) Think about the advantages and disadvantages of buying a new car:


  • Freedom of choice: you can buy your dream car rather than confine yourself with used cars available in the market.
  • Best financing options: the financing options would be better than the financing options for a used car.
  • Access to new features: all new cars have the latest technologies.
  • Deeper knowledge: You are the first person to use the new car so you will know any problem if it happened where the used car could cause some problems after a short period.


  • Spend more money: the new car’s price is greater than the used car’s price.
  • Loss of value: once you buy your new car, it will lose at least 11% of its price.
  • High insurance costs: the new car’s insurance is higher than the used car’s insurance.

4) Think about the advantages and disadvantages of buying a used car:


  • Fewer prices: the used car’s price will be less than the new car’s price.
  • Better insurance cost: the insurance companies know that drivers of used cars pay attention while driving and the companies put the insurance’s rates accordingly.
  • Loss of a lower value: the value of your car will fall less because its value decreased before so it will not decrease the same amount.


  • Higher maintenance costs and more maintenance: the used cars commonly need for maintenance more than new cars and with higher costs.
  • Unknown mechanical and accidents history: when you buy a used car, you will not necessarily get any information about who was the owner before you or the maintenance’s history.

5) Select your budget:

Set a budget for yourself regardless of the amount you will spend or the type of car you want to buy because this step will protect you from spending more than the amount needed and will make you know when and why to pull out of negotiations on the car if you do not like the deal.

6) Look for models that fit your criteria and your budget.

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