Britain’s 10 most dangerous roads

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The Road Safety Foundation has recently issued a report on Britain’s most dangerous roads. The report has specified 10 ” higher risk roads.” The report has also analysed the types of crashes at them.

The report presents one major conclusion which is that five of the top 10 are in the Peak District. Not surprisingly, Buxton is the hub. Of course, if you take care behind the wheel and don’t take unnecessary risks, these dangerous roads offer challenging, but rewarding drives. As long as you keep an eye out for bikers, some of whom over-rate their own skills.

With the second highest number of fatalities in our list—a total of 35 in the last five years—the 19-mile A588 winds through the Over-Wyre villages and across marshland near the Cockerham Sands area of Morecambe Bay and up to Lancaster. It’s another road where bikers tend to come unstuck (49% of crashes involve them) and the number of junctions also tends to cause problems (37% of crashes).

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