Why You Should Avoid Jumping the Red Signal in the UAE?

Why You Should Avoid Jumping the Red Signal in the UAE?

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Jumping the red signal is one of the most dangerous and frequently committed traffic violations in the UAE. Motorists have been repeatedly warned by authorities to avoid jumping the red signal as the risk of a fatal road accident increases significantly when a motorist commits this dangerous violation. In order to discourage motorists from jumping the red signal, strict traffic penalties were set for this violation in the recently amended traffic law.

However, it is not just the fear of penalties that should discourage motorists from jumping the red signal. The huge risk of life loss and property damage associated with accidents induced by this violation should also make motorists more careful and defensive in their approach. Jumping the red signal violation can most commonly be observed near intersections where motorists look to cross the road while the traffic light is still green and is just about to turn red.

Here are the five reasons why you should avoid jumping the red signal in the UAE.

Jumping the Red Signal Causes the Most Horrific Road Accidents

Jumping the red signal is the number one reason behind the most horrific road accidents recorded on city roads in the UAE. When a driver doesn’t stop at the red light, it elevates the risk of a fatal collision between multiple vehicles. Most of the drivers on the other side of the road fail to spot the vehicle that has violated the red signal rule, which gives them no time to react and this becomes a potential reason behind a fatal road collision.

Abu Dhabi Police just recently uploaded a video of such a dangerous road accident on its Instagram Channel under the new “Give Your Comment” campaign. In this video, one of the vehicles on the road can be clearly seen violating the red signal rule, which resulted in a horrific collision with the vehicle on the other side of the road.

Here is the video of this accident:

متابعينا كيف ترون مثل هذه السلوكيات والحوادث على الطرق والأسباب التي أدت إلى حدوثها. شاركونا مقترحاتكم ونصائحكم التي تعزز سلامتكم وتقلل مثل هذه الحوادث. Our followers, what do you think about these practices and road accidents and their causes? Share your suggestions which may help us enhance your safety and reduce such accidents. #لكم_التعليق #التواصل_الاجتماعي #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني #Give_comment #social_media ‏‎‏‎‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolice ‏‎‏‎‏#security_media

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Motorists must know that they put their own safety and the road safety of all other commuters under a serious threat when they jump the red signal. It is a serious traffic violation that must be avoided by motorists at all times to avoid the most dangerous situations on city roads.

You Can Face a Hefty Traffic Fine for Jumping the Red Signal

There is a massive AED 1,000 fine for jumping the red signal. This is one of the heftiest traffic fines for a traffic violation in the UAE and rightly so, as this dangerous violation has claimed many lives in the UAE over the last few years. Traffic authorities have a complete mechanism to nab down traffic offenders effectively with the help of advanced traffic monitoring radars and cameras, which have been installed on all major roads across the UAE.

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Reveals Traffic Stats for Speeding and Jumping the Red Signal

Your Driving License Can Be Cancelled!

One of the major downsides of committing a red signal violation is the cancellation of the offender’s driving license. Jumping the red signal is a traffic violation with one of the heftiest black points’ penalty of 12 black points that are issued against the offender’s license. Motorists must be mindful of the fact that a driving license in the UAE can be cancelled if black points against it amount to 24. It means if you repeat the red signal violation, you will face the cancellation of your driving license. The process of renewal of driving license is long and time-taking and to avoid the possibility of license cancellation, you must not commit the red signal violation at all.

Also read: Traffic Violations with a Penalty of more than 10 Black Points against a Driving License

Your Car Can Be Confiscated!

Apart from the aforementioned penalties for jumping the red signal, motorists must also know that their car can be confiscated for jumping the red signal. The vehicle of the offender can be confiscated for a duration of 30 days, which can create a seriously problematic situation for someone who uses the same vehicle for daily commuting.

You Can Be Detained!

Motorists can be detained if they are found guilty of causing a dangerous road accident after jumping the red signal. In this situation, motorists will face multiple penalties for different violations, which will be decided by the court.

Motorists can be detained if jumping the red signal:

  • Causes a dangerous road accident and injuries
  • Causes someone’s death

Motorists must be careful as jumping the red signal doesn’t only risk lives on a busy road, but can also initiate a series of legal actions taken against the offenders.

Also read: Authorities Warn Motorists against Jumping the Red Signal in Abu Dhabi

Drive Safe Motorists!

Motorists have been advised by authorities to avoid dangerous traffic violations such as speeding, tailgating and jumping the red signal as these violations have deteriorated the road safety situation in the UAE quite badly over the last few years. A careful driving approach ensures safety even in the most challenging driving conditions while reckless driving behavior helps no one, offenders can face hefty penalties. Road safety is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders and traffic problems of the UAE can be resolved over a short period of time if all motorists adopt safe driving practices.

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