Authorities Warn Motorists Against Driving Without a License

Authorities Warn Motorists Against Driving Without a License

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Driving without a license is a serious traffic violation for which motorists can face a hefty fine and jail time. The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi has warned motorists against driving without a license and advised them to follow traffic rules. Authorities have also asked parents to not allow their underage children to drive their vehicles as it can increase the risk of dangerous road accidents. Driving without a license is a serious violation as it can put the safety of commuters at serious risk.

Underage drivers cannot drive confidently due to their lack of understanding of the traffic culture and poor familiarity with the traffic rules. This is what makes them vulnerable to committing serious driving mistakes, which can prove to have serious consequences. Authorities have advised motorists to follow guidelines issued by authorities and comply with licensing rules.

Penalties for Driving Without a License

Article 51 of the UAE traffic law demonstrates the rules regarding the importance of having a driving license while driving in the UAE. According to the traffic law, motorists can face jail time, a fine of AED 5,000 or both for driving without a license. The Public Prosecution has issued the warning against motorists in a bid to promote a legal culture and to make motorists realize the importance of obtaining a driving license before getting behind the wheel.

The Public Prosecution is part of Abu Dhabi judicial authority and their role is to initiate and take action on criminal cases on behalf of the society members. Motorists must take this warning seriously and avoid traveling without a driving license. Authorities have also warned motorists against traveling with a license that doesn’t match the same type of vehicle.

What Makes Driving Without a License Dangerous?

The road safety situation in the UAE is improving gradually, thanks to the untiring efforts of the traffic authorities. The state of road safety deteriorated quite badly before the implementation of the new traffic law in 2017, following which, authorities have been able to reduce dangerous road accidents and road deaths significantly. Over the last few years, traffic and transport authorities have collaborated to identify major traffic problems of the UAE. The reckless driving behavior of motorists has been identified as the most prevalent reason behind fatal road accidents. Driving without a license also falls in the category of reckless driving and motorists must avoid it at all costs.

There is a complete Driving License Acquisition Programme that motorists must register for in order to obtain a driving license in the UAE. Without completing this programme successfully, motorists cannot be issued a driving license. This programme prepares motorists for safe driving on busy roads of the UAE and includes theory classes, parking test and road test. All motorists including the expatriates must complete this programme to be able to drive in the UAE. However, there are relaxations in this programme for expats hailing from select countries.

Motorists get to know the traffic rules and the traffic culture of the UAE by attending the theory classes and practical training during the Driving License Acquisition Programme. Without this understanding and knowledge, motorists can find it extremely difficult to drive safely in challenging road situations, which can prove to have dangerous consequences.

Drive Carefully Motorists!

Motorists must follow all the traffic rules to avoid hefty traffic penalties and dangerous road situations. Driving without a license is one of the most serious violations that motorists must avoid at all costs. As mentioned previously, parents must keep an eye on the whereabouts of their children and avoid allowing underage children to use their vehicles. It is the responsibility of motorists to follow traffic rules as any drastic improvement in the road safety situation can only be possible if motorists adopt a defensive driving approach and drive carefully.

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