Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Reckless Driving Behavior

Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Reckless Driving Behavior

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Abu Dhabi Police has released a new video on its social media accounts under the recently launched “Give Your Comment” campaign. The campaign has been launched to educate motorists about the safety risks of reckless driving and to bring the suggestions of motorists for improving the road safety situation into consideration. Abu Dhabi Police shares videos of dangerous road accidents as part of this campaign to discourage motorists from committing traffic violations that caused accidents.

The new video is part of a series of videos that have been posted on the social media accounts of Abu Dhabi Police. In the video, the Abu Dhabi Police has clearly highlighted the dangerous consequences of tailgating and sudden swerving on busy roads. These are amongst the most frequently committed traffic violations in Abu Dhabi that have resulted in a number of dangerous road accidents over the last few years.

Details of the Warning Issued to Motorists

The Abu Dhabi Police has issued a strict warning against reckless driving by exposing errant drivers who committed tailgating and sudden swerving. The video released under the Give Your Comment campaign shows a vehicle being airborne after suffering a side-impact crash with the vehicle ahead. Many drivers can be seen tailgating in the video released by Abu Dhabi Police, which led to a serious pile-up crash between multiple vehicles.

Here is the new video released by Abu Dhabi Police under its “Give Your Comment” campaign:

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ضمن مبادرة “لكم التعليق”.. بالفيديو: شرطة أبوظبي تكشف خطورة عدم ترك مسافة أمان بين المركبات على الطريق . . . بثت شرطة أبوظبي فيديو لحادث تصادم مروري، كاد يتسبب في خسائر جسيمة، بين عدة مركبات، بسبب عدم التزام بعض السائقين بمسافة أمان كافية، وانحراف أحدهم بشكل مفاجئ، معرضًا حياته وسلامة الآخرين إلى الخطر لولا تدخل العناية الإلهية. وتواصل شرطة أبوظبي بالتعاون مع مركز التحكم والمتابعة بالإمارة، بث التجاوزات الخطيرة التي يرتكبها بعض السائقين، ضمن مبادرة “لكم التعليق”، التي أطلقتها الإعلام الأمني، منذ عدة شهور، عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي، لتعزيز التفاعل والمشاركة والحوار بين المتابعين، وزيادة الوعي الأمني والمروري لدى أفراد المجتمع. وأوضح العقيد محمد علي المهيري مدير إدارة الإعلام الأمني بقطاع شؤون القيادة، أن مبادرة “لكم التعليق” لاقت أصداءً واسعة، وتفاعلًا غير مسبوق، وأشعلت النقاش البناء، بين المتابعين على مدى الشهور الماضية، حول أسباب الحوادث المرورية، وسبل الحد من الخسائر في الأرواح والممتلكات، مشيرًا إلى أن قطاعاً كبيراً من الجمهور أعربوا عن استيائهم من التصرفات السلبية والخطيرة لبعض السائقين، وطالبوا بضرورة إتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة، لردع السائقين المتهورين. وأضاف المهيري أن الإعلام الأمني بشرطة أبوظبي أجرى استطلاعاً، وتبين أن أكثر من 80% من الجمهور يؤيدون الاستمرار في بث مثل هذه الفيديوهات، واعتبروها رادعاً للمتهورين، مؤكدًا أن عرض الصور الواقعية للحوادث تعتبر من أكثر وسائل التوعية تأثيرًا وفاعلية، لأنها تكشف الوجه المأساوي للحوادث المرورية، التي يتسبب فيها كثير من السائقين، سواء بتعمد أو بدون تعمد. وأشار إلى أن المبادرة  تسعى إلى إشراك أفراد المجتمع في إيجاد الحلول المناسبة، للحد من الحوادث على الطرق، والحد من الضحايا والخسائر، داعيًا السائقين إلى الحفاظ على مسافة أمان كافية بين المركبات، والالتزام بالقيادة الآمنة، واتخاذ تدابير السلامة قبل تجاوز المركبات الأخرى، أو الانتقال إلى مسار آخر على الطريق. #لكم_التعليق @stscabudhabi ‏ @abudhabidot ‏ @moiuae @abudhabiadm #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #أخبار_شرطة_أبوظبي#الإعلام_الأمني ‎‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolice ‎‏#ADPolice_news ‎‏#security_media

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Colonel Mohammed Ali Al Muhairi, Director of Abu Dhabi Police’s Security Media Department said that it was the responsibility of motorists to leave safe distances between vehicles. He mentioned that the risk of a pile-up crash involving multiple vehicles increases considerably if motorists tailgate in heavy traffic.

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Violating Pedestrian Safety Rules

Progress of the Give Your Comment Campaign in Abu Dhabi

Authorities aim at improving the driving habits of motorists through the Give Your Comment campaign. This initiative has been widely acknowledged by motorists who have called it the need of the hour to discourage drivers from committing dangerous violations.

Abu Dhabi Police launched the two-month awareness campaign “Give Your Comment” back in October 2018 in an effort to find an innovative solution for the escalating traffic problems of the emirate. According to Colonel Mohammed Ali Al Muhairi, a recent survey about the progress of the Give Your Comment campaign showed that 80% of the motorists supported the campaign and asked authorities to take such steps in future as well. Motorists considered the campaign an important deterrent to traffic offenders that put the safety of commuters at a serious risk by committing dangerous violations.

Also read: Public Awareness about Seatbelt Rules Still Considerably Low, New Survey Finds

Penalties for Tailgating and Sudden Swerving

Tailgating and sudden swerving are amongst the most commonly committed traffic violations in Abu Dhabi and are also the major reasons behind dangerous road accidents recorded during 2018 so far. Considering the safety risk associated with tailgating and sudden swerving, the penalties for these dangerous traffic violations were increased in the recently amended traffic law.

According to the amended traffic law of the UAE, motorists have to pay a fine of AED 400 and 4 black points will be issued against their driving license for tailgating. On the other hand, sudden swerving levies a hefty fine of AED 1,000 and 4 black points are issued against the offender’s driving license. It is important to note that the traffic monitoring system in Abu Dhabi can easy caught multiple violations committed by a reckless driver at a time thus increasing the risk of facing multiple fines and penalties.


Traffic authorities in Abu Dhabi are making their best efforts to improve road safety situation in the emirate. The Give Your Comment campaign is an important road safety initiative that is gradually developing an understanding of road safety practices amongst motorists.

Motorists should now recognize their responsibility, particularly after understanding the consequences of reckless driving through the Give Your Comment Campaign. Adopting a careful driving approach can easily help motorists avoid dangerous road accidents as well as penalties for committing traffic violations.

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