Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Driving Without a Driving License

Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Driving Without a Driving License

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Abu Dhabi Police has warned motorists against driving without a driving license as it is considered to be a serious road safety risk. Motorists who have not obtained a driving license from the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) are not eligible to drive in the UAE because it directly affects road safety when untrained drivers who have not passed the RTA road test drive a vehicle on the UAE’s busy roads. Passing the road test and completing the driving license acquisition procedure is critical because the whole procedure builds an understanding about the UAE’s traffic culture and prepares drivers for the challenging driving conditions in the UAE.

On the other hand, even if you have obtained a valid driving license, you cannot allow someone else who doesn’t have a license to drive your vehicle. The Abu Dhabi Police detained 866 drivers last year for driving without a driving license and as a result, the authorities have warned motorists against committing this serious traffic violation.

Abu Dhabi Police Adopts a Zero-Tolerance Policy against Offenders

Abu Dhabi Police has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against motorists who drive without a driving license. The rules have been harshened, particularly to discourage parents who often let their children under the age of 18 years drive their vehicles, which is absolutely against the traffic rules and is an unsafe practice as well. Motorists must know that they can be detained and face heavy fines if they are caught driving without a driving license in Abu Dhabi.

Also read: What to Do If You Have Lost Your Driving License in the UAE?

Penalties for Driving without a Driving License

Driving without a driving license is considered to be one of the most serious traffic violations and motorists can face severe consequences for not complying with this traffic rule. According to Article No. 51 of the Federal Traffic Rules, driving a vehicle without a driving license is a serious offence and the offender can be detained for a maximum of three months and/or face a hefty fine of AED 5,000 for this offence.

Drivers under 18 years of age who are driving a vehicle can be held accountable under the juvenile delinquency law, which is why motorists must always be extra careful and never allow their children to drive their vehicles until they obtain a driving license after completing all the legal requirements.

Also read: Safe Driving Tips for Young Drivers in the UAE

What Makes Driving without a Driving License Such a Dangerous Traffic Offence?

Motorists have been cautioned by the authorities to avoid allowing their children under 18 years of age to drive their vehicles as it can put the safety of their children and other commuters at serious risk. Young drivers are more susceptible to committing dangerous driving mistakes than others, especially those who have not obtained a driving license yet. It is because the driving license acquisition procedure in the UAE prepares young drivers to follow safe driving habits and only the safest of drivers pass the RTA road test and obtain a driving license.

The traffic data of last two years suggests that a number of road deaths were caused by young drivers who committed dangerous traffic violations including lane swerving, over-speeding, tailgating and jumping the red signal amongst other violations. Lack of awareness about traffic rules and inability to react to a challenging road situation effectively were identified as the major reasons why young drivers committed dangerous traffic violations.

The UAE residents who are above 18, but they haven’t yet obtained a driving license are also equally susceptible to committing dangerous traffic violations because of their lack of familiarity with the UAE’s traffic culture. This is why authorities have tightened their scrutiny over drivers that are driving without a license.

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Plans to Revise the Speed Limits on Highways

Official Statement on Road Safety Situation in Abu Dhabi

Major General Mohammad Saif Al Zafein, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Operations and Chairman of the Federal Traffic Council, said that it is the vision of the General Police Directorate to reduce the road deaths in the UAE to 3 people per 100,000 residents by 2021. He added that traffic authorities have been taking initiatives to make motorists aware of the dangerous traffic violations and many new awareness campaigns will be arranged in Abu Dhabi to educate motorists about essential road safety practices that they must comply with.

According to the traffic stats, 3.46 deaths per 100,000 people were recorded in the UAE during the last nine months of 2017, which means road safety in the UAE has improved significantly after the implementation of the new traffic law. The new traffic law that was implemented on July 1, 2017, aimed at improving the road safety situation by increasing the penalties for dangerous traffic violations.

Brigadier General Ahmad Al Hantoubi, Deputy Director of The Central Operations Sector at the Abu Dhabi Police, said that allowing children under 18 to drive is a serious road safety risk and parents should always avoid it.

Also read: A Review of Road Safety Situation in Abu Dhabi during 2017

New and Upcoming Road Safety Campaigns by Abu Dhabi Police

The Ministry of Interior launched a countrywide road safety awareness campaign on March 26, 2018. This campaign has been aimed at reducing the road deaths in the UAE to support the road safety vision of authorities. Driving without a license is not only against the traffic rules, but also against the road safety essentials. As lack of awareness is a major reason behind driving mistakes committed by motorists, authorities have planned to launch multiple awareness campaigns in the near future to keep educating motorists about the traffic rules and road safety practices.

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