Abu Dhabi Police Issues a strict Warning against Distracted Drivers

Abu Dhabi Police Issues a Strict Warning against Distracted Drivers

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Abu Dhabi Police has decided to take strict actions against distracted drivers in the wake of a dangerous road accident recorded in the emirate a few days ago. Abu Dhabi Police has released the video of the accident on its Instagram page and issued a warning against distracted drivers who disobey traffic rules and threaten the safety of commuters.

A failure to maintain 100% attention on the road can lead to serious road accidents, particularly during the peak hours of traffic. The new video is part of a series of videos released by Abu Dhabi Police to expose errant drivers and to ask the public opinion about traffic violations shown in the videos.

Details of the New Video Released by Abu Dhabi Police

Abu Dhabi Police has released a new video on its Instagram page where a vehicle can be seen ramming into another vehicle at a busy intersection. This video has been released under the recently launched road safety campaign, “Avoid Distractions While Driving,” by the Ministry of Interior.

The CCTV footage of the accident shows the first vehicle hitting the second vehicle so forcefully that it resulted in the spinning of the second vehicle at 180 degrees before it stopped. The collision between the vehicles also threatened the lives of pedestrians who were waiting to cross the road.


As a result, the Abu Dhabi Police has warned motorists against using mobile phone for surfing the internet, taking pictures or making calls while driving. Authorities have cautioned motorists that it takes a split second to change your life in a dangerous road accident caused by distracted driving. The new initiative taken by the Ministry of Interior aims at urging motorists to avoid distracted driving on Abu Dhabi roads.

Traffic Penalties for Distracted Driving in the UAE

Distracted driving is amongst the most dangerous traffic violations that have caused the most number of road deaths in the UAE during the last few years. The traffic law of the UAE was amended in 2018 to implement stricter traffic rules and to improve road safety situation. The penalties for many dangerous violations were increased in the new traffic law while many new violations were also introduced to discourage motorists from committing dangerous traffic violations. According to the new traffic law of the UAE, motorists have to pay a fine of AED 800 while 4 black points will be issued against their driving license for distracted driving.

Why Distracted Driving is such a Dangerous Traffic Violation?

Distracted driving is a dangerous traffic violation that can cause serious accidents in heavy traffic. A distracted driver can commit multiple traffic violations at the same time including jumping the red signal, sudden swerving and over-speeding, which increases the risk of a dangerous road accident.

Motorists can face serious penalties for committing these violations that can include hefty fines, suspension of driving license and confiscation of the vehicle involved in the traffic offence. These are the factors that make distracted driving one of the most dangerous traffic violations in the UAE.

Drive Safe Motorists!

Distracted driving can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic and can prove to have seriously dangerous consequences on busy roads. Authorities have been taking regular initiatives to improve the state of road safety for all commuters in Abu Dhabi. Besides adopting a tougher stance to penalize traffic offenders, authorities have also launched several initiatives to reduce the financial worries of motorists with hefty outstanding traffic fines. Authorities recently announced a big discount offer on traffic fines for motorists that can be availed by following traffic rules throughout the year.

While many road safety initiatives have been taken by the authorities in recent times, the road safety situation can only improve drastically if motorists recognize their responsibility and follow safe driving practices. Motorists can easily avoid hefty traffic penalties and dangerous road situations by being more attentive in their approach and by developing a careful driving mindset.

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