Five reasons cause the burning of the car

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Burning of the car on the road is a view that may be most of us saw or heard about and there are many different factors that cause a fire in the vehicle either because of human error or negligence or because of a defect in manufacturing which is few and this leads the cars’ companies in this case to call back the cars with this problem but the burning problems remain one of the most dangerous things where there are many drivers that may not be able to handle especially if they did not have a valid fire extinguisher and most importantly the ability to use it so we will illustrate some of these factors as follow:

1) Fuel leakage:

The fuel leak comes on top of thereasons of fire’s problem in the car and the leakage of fuel could be from many parts in the car starting from the fuel tank down to the engine which containsthe fuel to be burned and the presence of a hose or connection that leaks fuel is able to cause the fire very easy especially with the rise in temperature or the presence of any sparks.

2) Electrical system:

From the common causes of fires in the cars is the electrical system or what is called the cycle of electricity and some people have thought that this matter is limited to the hybrid or electricvehiclesbut it extends to the ordinary cars where the charging cycles of the battery through the dynamocan cause the exit of hydrogen gas to accumulate in the enginechamber so with any spark or exposedwire, disaster occurs immediately.

3) Engine temperature:

Temperature of the engine rises for many reasons, mainly lack or absence of the cooling liquid and in some cases,a defect in manufacturing can lead to increase the engine’s temperature and the old cars are subjected to this issue more than the modern cars as a result of the age of these cars plus its ability to withstand the hot atmosphere.

4) Accidents:

Despite the fact that modern cars are designed with strong fuel tanks that bear the shock,a strong shock could lead to the explosion of the tank very easily.

5) Neglecting of the regular maintenance:

Many people may wonder that the maintenance can cause a fire problemin the car but it is a significant reason in this issue where neglecting the maintenance of the carmay cause to increase the temperature of the engine which causes the ignition of some parts of it.



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