Driving safely in t Emirates streets $

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The United Arab Emirates  is one of the few countries which shares many benefits of the innovations in technology . As a result of it, it has an advanced & well developed infrastructure that ensures an utmost level of comfort to the people living in UAE. Such great achievements have been achieved by the country in the field of transportation and communication as well. However, what ensures that this level of comfort stays as it is, are the few rules that are to be followed throughout the state by all those visiting and residing.


To start with the most important of all rules, people are required to properly fasten their seat belt no matter how short the journey is. In order to protect the children in vehicle,  child safety seats are to be used. This rule is followed by the very famous ” hands on the wheel” rule which enlightens us by spreading the word that doing any activity that might distract the driver and jeopardise the life of the one driving and the others are strictly prohibited such as talking on the phone, eating food, drinking alcohol, etc.  It is also highly recommended to Check traffic in all directions while driving in order to ensure the safety and security of pedestrians, children and motorcycle/bicycle riders.


One of the unique features of the road security system in the UAE are that the roads are monitored with speed limit cameras. So if the weather is bad or the driver is mad, these cameras in their places ensure that the speed is such that ensures the longetivity of life and not only the journey!


Then, there are the usual rules of leaving space between your vehicle and others around you while driving in order to have room to stop or manoeuvre whenever required, looking  in your mirrors & shoulder and checking before you change lanes or reverse with a special emphasis on checking the blind spot as sometimes drivers around can’t see the turning signal.


Another thing to be kept in mind is that one should absolutely make sure that all the vehicular lights are working properly, such as signal lights & break lights so others around you have an idea of the level of their safety. Also, since roads are widely used public property, it is highly recommended  that people share the road. Cutting people off from the middle or interchanging lanes continuously leads to a risk of the occurrence of an accident.

Last but definitely not the least one should always avoid driving under medication that cause drowsiness, and should always keep in mind that fatigue or stress affects the driving of any person. Hence, if one is stressed or worked up totally or hasn’t had sufficient sleep or rest, he or she should restrain from driving,  no matter what. After all, precaution and prevention are always better than the cure and when one is talking about the gift of life, no risk is worth losing such a blessing!

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