UAE car accidents tremendous loss of money and lives

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Recently, according to official reports, the UAE has been considered one of the world’s worst traffic country. The accidents had caused the UAE billions on Dh every year.
The entire Arab world is facing the same traffic and car accidents  problems more than many other places in the world, as this is an international problem. The UAE ,and particularly Abu Dhabi, has the highest rate of car accidents in the Arab region.
Recent reports stated that the number of deaths caused by car accidents in 2011 in the UAE is less than the number of 2010. But still, it is considered a high rate.720 deaths were reported out of 6,700 dramatic injuries caused by car accidents. However, The police now is taking strict measures to reduce this number.
They succeeded to drop the rate of deaths by 25% in comparison to 2009. This was a remarkable achievement for the police department.
Abu Dhabi in particular has 49.3% of the total violations related to traffic of the whole country. 334 deaths out of 3,547 injuries by car accidents were registered there.
Statistics report that the major reason of death in the world, after heart disease and stroke, is car accidents, especially for people aging between 20-40. Many families lost their provider which affected the productivity and income.
These tragic results made the case of car accidents the most important area of research. Researchers are analyzing the effects and causalities of such accidents on the human side in addition to the property side.
Economists are measuring the direct and indirect costs of the accidents.
The high rate of accidents affected the tourism sector of the country, because logically tourists will avoid the countries with dangerous roads.
Alongside with the tourism sector , the health sector services also had a raise. Consequently all the medication needed for the injured people including hospital bills, first aid, medications….etc.

As for the economic side, the researches of Department of Economic Development “DED” estimated the causalities as 17 billion Dh which is about 1.6% of the GNP of the country.
On the light of the previous points, the DED studies stated that for the past three years, car accidents has become the focus of researchers and the people in authority in different countries and the UAE on top of them to find the suitable solutions and set the needed rules to reduce the tremendous tragedies

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