Enjoy your ride for a longer time

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People sometimes feel surprised to see someone who has the  same kind of car as theirs, but his car looks way better than theirs. It is simply because the man knows how to take care of his car, and how to make it look longer in best shape.
Regular scheduled maintenance, and using the type of oil recommended by the manufacturer are some of the secrets to keep your car in best shape.
Here are some handy tips to keep your car glowing from the inside and the outside.
The only and most important thing to help the engine live longer is changing the oil and checking its level all the time. And in the same time, nothing will damage the engine more than neglecting the level of the oil or using fresh oil when needed. The best oil on earth will not help our engine if it is  you do not change it every now and then.
To protect the cooling system, you need to flush it and change the coolant once every year. If you mix water with distilled water in equal amounts, you will have a perfect mixture for keeping the cooling system in the best shape.
Try to use transmission fluid or gear oil of the type that is recommended by the manufacturer. They must be changed according to your need of using the vehicle.
While you take care of the outside of the car and make it shining, you should take a look n the inside too. Many things form the roads get stuck to the underside of the car.
The fluid of the brakes is attracts moisture a lot, and moisture in turn damages the components of the car. To prevent that you need to replace the fluid at least one time every year and this will not cost you much.
To help the paint of the car last longer with a glowing color, you can use wax with good quality. Use the wax at least one time ever six months.
Try to park in the shade, and use windows deflector screens to protect the interior plastic of  the car. You can also use a UV protectant to protect the plastic from drying.
In short, the right kind of oil, brakes, and grease you use and changing them, cleaning and protecting your car from the inside as from the outside are all basic measures for enjoying a happy motoring for a long time.

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