Driving in Ras AlKhaimah : Styles and rules

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With the increasing number of foreigners if Ras AlKhaimah, diving there has become crazy.  Lots of people means lots of styles and techniques.
Many drivers are reckless in their driving. They ignore the rules of using the indicators for example and they turn from one side to the other unexpectedly, or they drive very fast in low-speed lanes.

On the roads of Ras AlKhaimah, you see a lot of cars with dark windows, which make it hard to see inside the car or communicate with their drivers .
Another disturbing style is using the flashing headlights. Usually drivers use them to show you that they want to pass, so that you can get off their way, but what’s really happening is that they use the flashing headlight and  don’t care if you can move away or not. They can even run you off the road  and get in front of you.
As for the road signs, some drivers consider them as decorations of the road, and pay the least attention to them or even apply them incorrectly. For example, the stop sign is practiced as slow down your speed only. and the sign of pedestrian crossing is normally ignored unless it’s accompanied by lights to tell the driver that it exists.

Speeding rules and fines systems:
Speed limitation rules are very strict in the UAE. Ras AlKhaimah and all other emirates have a photo radar system that registers the speeding cars.
Wherever you go you find speed limitation signs. Advanced cars nowadays have an insistent alarm that warns the driver when the speed limitation of 120 km/h is exceeded.
There is also another fines system which is the points system. Various driving offenses are assigned with points. However, when the driver collects 24 points in a year, he may lose his driving license for 3 to 12 months depending of the points, and in other times the driver needs to do the driving test again.
Parking fines:
Parking in a prohibited place or in a wrong way result in a fine of 200 to 500 Dh. However, it is easy to find places for parking in Ras AlKhaimah and mostly they re free of charges, but it is important to take care of the way you park your car, especially in the busy days like holidays and weekends.

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