Tips & advices for driving in the rain

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Recently the United Arab Emirates witnessed an unusual change in the weather resulted in big amount of rainfall. This caused a state of disturbance especially  for the drivers who are not used to this kind of weather.

There are some very serious safety measures you should follow in these situations

Turn off any distracting devices like cell phones, or the radio to keep your hands free because you need them of the steering wheel all the time. You need to be 100% focused. Focus only on the front and take a look every now and then to the left and right side of you in addition to the rear mirror, in this way you can have a full visual view of the road , falling tree branches  or falling electrical wires.

Keep your headlights on:

It’s better for you to keep headlight on especially in the heavy rain. This will help the other drivers to recognize you and gives you a better visual of what’s in font of you, to reduce the chances of accidents.

Always and forever : Safety distance.

This rule need to be applied very strictly in such exceptional situations, because you might be surprised in any minute about what other drivers might do, or even what could happen to you.

Stay away from flooded roads:

Try to stay away from flooded roads as much as possible. These roads can be very dangerous because the water might be deeper than you think , and in this case the car will start to float and you will have no more control over it. If you had no other chance but to go through these roads, try to follow someone. In this way you can judge the depth of the water.

Make sure that your brakes are still working:

In the case of floods, the brakes are first prone to stopping. The long drives in the water affect your brakes. Consequently check them all the time, because it’s very dangerous t drive without them.

Your car is dark colored? You  need to watch out then:

If your vehicle is dark colored, then it’s dangerous for you to drive in the night. The glittering of the rain drops will make it harder for drivers to recognize dark colored cars. So, avoid driving at night in the rainy weather.

In brief ,these measures are very crucial in the exceptional situations and what is most important is to stay calm, focused and not to panic . They can protect  you from tragic accidents.

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