Get cheaper car insurance in the UAE

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After a long time of having problems with the insurance companies in the UAE, here’s what I learned about trying to get the better deal. It might be good for you and help you. I hope that I can present some new information that can benefit you.

1. Don’t change facts

Don’t try to hide or change the facts about your car, because if they discovered that your are changing the facts your insurance contract will be finished. Nowadays, it’s hard to lie about your car since most of the insurance companies require the VIN ( vehicle identification number) before they sign with you. Even so, lying about any of the influencing factors of your car will end up having to pay for your accident and resulting a claim.

4. Just because you’re renewing doesn’t mean it’s the cheapest.

Each time you are going to renew, check your premium with other companies. Because when your company feels that you are thinking about moving to another company, they will give you a cheaper offer to keep you as their customer.

6. Multiple policies = multiple discounts

When you have more than one policy like both your car and house, with one company, this gives you the benefits of getting more discounts. So if you considered having more than one company, you will lose your discount. So you should give it a second thought and make sure you’re not paying more.

7. Choose your company wisely

When you look for an insurance company, you need to consider two types: web companies which you can only talk to someone in their call centers, but in the same time their fixed costs are lower which means more discounts. The other type is Bricks -and –mortars where you have real people to show your anger to, but the costs are higher. So you should consider both types because In some cases, bricks-and-mortar can be cheaper for one type of insurance and more expensive for another.

8. When multiple policies DON’T give multiple discounts

Insurance is a strange business. When you have more than one thing in a company and you wanted to add something new, then you may need to pay double the amount of the same old one.

9. Modified car doesn’t necessarily mean high premiums

Generally, if you modify anything on your car, most of the insurance companies will increase your premium will. Except Adrian Flux insurance which gives slightly lower premiums to people with heavily modified cars .It thought that if you pay to customize your car , then you will take more care of it and you will be less likely to be in an accident.


11. New or used?

There are a tangible difference between new or used cars when I comes to the insurance prices. Not only is it almost always cheaper to buy a used vehicle, but because it’s used, the car will attract a cheaper insurance premium. In addition, there’s a lot to be said for used cars – the original owner has taken the hit on depreciation, the first couple of services should have been done, and the engine and gearbox will be loosening up nicely as everything beds in.

In short, as you see the insurance arena is so wide with a lot of twists, this is why you  need to consider all the previous points to protect your money and get the best bargains.

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