Reversal of taxi sharing law in Dubai

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DUBAI – Taxi regulators executed a quick change on a ruling that banned passengers from sharing a taxi to more than one destination.

Taxi drivers may now make multiple drop-offs and stops on the same route provided they do not restart the meter at each stop, and the last passenger to get out of the car must pay the whole fare.

“Two friends can share a cab and can be dropped off at two points en route as long as the person getting off last pays for the entire journey,” said Dr Yousif Al Ali, chief executive of the Public Transport Agency.

Dr Ali was replying to worries and concerns from passengers and taxi drivers after the Roads and Transport Authority said on Sunday that sharing a cab with more than one drop-off was banned.

Drivers who dropped passengers off at more than one destination on the same fare faced a Dh2,000 fine and possible dismissal, the RTA said.

Passengers welcomed this U-turn. “It’s good they have now said what the rules are because we know where we stand,” said Rohit Sengupta, who was waiting for a cab in Media City.

“I was a little concerned when I heard you could not have more than one drop off in a journey. It seemed unnecessary.”

“I was shocked when I read you couldn’t have multiple drops because it’s something everyone does,” said Janice Kingston, from Canada.

“I would have thought sharing a taxi not only saved people money but was also environmentally friendly.

“I usually share a taxi with a friend if I’m out as it’s more convenient. It’s good the RTA have said it’s still allowed.”
Other customers called for a clearer set of rules regarding the use of cabs.

“There should be some kind of list of what you can and can’t do when ordering a taxi,” said Yasin Al Khalek, from Lebanon.
“That way everyone will know what is allowed.

“I think the problem for many people, including myself, is the confusing messages we get.
“The drivers tell you one thing then the RTA tells you another. But the good thing is at least they have clarified this issue.”

An Egyptian woman said the rules were unnecessary. “To be honest I don’t see what the problem is with having the taxi driver begin a new fare if a cab is being shared,” she said.

“Surely in the long run the RTA will be making more money if they allowed the practice.”

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