Tips when buying a used car

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The following tips are very essential and important when you take the decision to buy a used car so please try to be very careful and consider the following tips:

1) Things to know before you go to check a used car:
The first of these things is checking the historical record written and documented for the car because it might be exposed to the sinking or a big accident and therefore it doesn’t worth the money and it can be written off from the records of insurance companies as a result of exposure to a big accident and therefore the buyer will not be able to license it because no insurance company will accept it. The distance counter could be manipulated so it looks like it did not work for a long times.
When reviewing the car records, you must ensure the regularity of oil change process because if the buyer is not regular in this process, this could cause significant damage to the engine. Also, if the oil changes process intervals are too close; this indicates a defect in the engine.
2) Testing the engine oil cycle:
When the shape of the engine from the outside is clean and bright, this is not a sufficient reason to believe that the engine does not suffer from oil leak so you must check the engine very well from the outside to make sure that there are no sources of leakage especially in the lower parts of it.
3) Checking the oil pressure:
You can ensure the safety of the oil pressure through the oil bulb in the dashboard. If the pressure at the required levels, the bulb will not be lighted when you start the engine more than two seconds but if it continues more than 2 seconds so this means there is a defect in the oil pressure.
4) Don’t buy any car that suffered from extensive repair processes:
If there is evidence that the car has made any huge maintenance or the maintenance processes are not right or changing whole parts of the car, you should not buy this car no matter what the price is.
5) Checking the exhaust:
If there is a gray with blue smoke comes out from the exhaust, this means that the engine consumes very high level of oil and you should not buy the car.  If there is a black smoke comes out from the exhaust, this means that the engine consumes very high level of fuel and this is due to a problem with the fuel injection system and this is a simple issue that can be solve quickly. If there is no smoke comes out from the exhaust, the engine works fine and there is no problem at all.

6) Monitoring the dashboard:
You must monitor the work of all the bulbs in the dashboard where you can take a general idea of ​​the efficiency of the engine such as oil pressure, oil level and temperature and other things.
7) Checking the safety of electrical circuits:
You must check the safety of the lights, optical signals, the cassette, electrical glass and the air conditioning if it exists even if we were in the winter.
8) Checking all the accessories:
You have to check everything inside and outside the car even if these things are small or not necessary but you have to check them too


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