Traffic accidents in the Middle East countries

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Conferring to the World Bank, road smashes kill 1.2 million individuals and cripple or harm more than 10 million others every year. In circumstance, at present rates, traffic fortunes will developed the fifth foremost cause of demise globally by 2030, up from 10th place in 2010. And, in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the statistics are predominantly alarming; traffic coincidences slaughter among 17 to 22 people per 100,000 of populace every year, associated with an OECD usual of 6.2 per 100,000. In line with this, Organization checking firm Booz & Corporation has initiate that, in command to lessen this high amount of traffic accidents, MENA managements must – imperatively – accept a all-inclusive tactic to road security.

Today, governments tend to structure responses to traffic collisions on the Haddon Matrix – a commonly used paradigm in the injury prevention field.  In effect, the Haddon Matrix covers various phases related to traffic accidents, including pre-crash, crash, and post-crash. In the MENA region, however, each element of the Matrix has its shortcomings.

Pre-crash: Most investments and interventions related to traffic accidents are directed at crash prevention. “Road authorities have to apply and comply with global road design guidelines; and, in parallel, traffic authorities must enforce adequate speed limits and regulate road user behavior” said Dr. Ulrich Koegler, a Senior Advisor with Booz & Company. “The truth is, both education and awareness can have a significant impact in reducing crashes. In many MENA countries, over 70 percent of accidents result from driver error or negligence, sometimes due to inadequate driver education”, he added. Vehicle standards also play a major role in preventing accidents given the significance of lighting, braking, and handling, along with other active and passive safety systems. This is yet another primary concern in the region.

This phase centers on preventing injury during a crash using human and vehicle elements, such as restraints – in the form of safety belts and airbags – and vehicle technologies, including impact bars and increasingly digital technologies. More cars in the MENA region need to have these systems installed, as this can help foster safe driving practices and decrease the number of crashes.

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