One in five drivers update Facebook on the move

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Recent reports from Dayinsure, temporary car insurance specialist, have shown shocking statistics about motorists’ obsession with social networking, especially Facebook. These reports have revealed a frightening survey: one in five drivers have updated their Facebook status while behind the wheel of a car.

Meanwhile over half of respondents admitted to using a phone while driving and 58% have taken photographs. 71% have eaten behind the wheel and 32% have driven in flip-flops.

Yet despite this, the number one gripe with other motorists was talking on the phone without using a hands-free kit. This was followed by speeding in 20mph zones and not saying ‘thank you’ for being let out.

Dayinsure managing director, Steve Coppock said,

“Distractions at the wheel can be the main cause of road accidents. Not only is using a hand-held phone at the wheel dangerous it is also illegal. We therefore urge motorists to switch off their phones and tune into road safety.”

The warnings come ahead of Road Safety Week, which runs from 18-to-24 November.

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