The world’s most dangerous roads by country

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Recent statistics have shown that 1.24 million people are annually killed on the world’s roads. The bad news is that the numbers are expected to rise dramatically.

Reports say that by 2030, there will be a three-fold increase to 3.6 million road deaths a year all over the world. A new interactive map by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting presents these frightening statistics in detail, revealing the countries with the most and least dangerous roads on Earth.

It’s the developing world that has been hit by this road deaths epidemic. The World Health Organisation’s latest Global Burden of Disease study indicates that road accidents are on target to become the fifth biggest cause of death, overtaking diseases such as HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis.

The data in the Pulitzer Center interactive map shows the average number of road deaths per 100,000 people in most of the world’s countries. There is a huge disparity between different nations, with a clear dividing line between developed countries and those in the developing world.

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