Alcraft Motor Company to ‘reinterpret’ British vehicles

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Alcraft Motor Company has recently announced its decision to “reinterpret vehicles using British design values.” Alcraft, a new British design and engineering business, has revealed its plans revolutionize car design in a line of “British concepts.”

With the aid of students from the Royal College of Art, Alcraft will initially focus on marques with British heritage, including Aston Martin, Jaguar, and Land Rover.

Alcraft is turning its particular attention Land Rover. Matthew Humphries, Alcraft design consultant, said, “We’re extremely pleased with how the Range Rover study has turned out. We’ve made it more elegant by simplifying the lines and have given it the timelessness associated with the best British design.”

Matthew Humphries added, “We’ve also differentiated it more from the other Range Rover models and I think we’ve achieved a more limousine-like presence while ensuring a degree of classic British understatement.”

The re-designed Rangie is much simpler and more elegant (the  chintzy chrome has been banished). However, the styling approach is more evolutionary than revolutionary.

Alcraft believes there’s a very real opportunity to target those more reserved buyers of high-end luxury cars, as company chief executive David Alcraft explains:

“Although some customers want their cars to make loud personal statements, we believe there’s a gap in the market for personalising products in a way which explicitly respects their brands’ heritage and British style.

The Alcraft Motor Company Range Rover study is the first in a number of re-imagined concepts that are yet to appear. Other models are to follow.

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