Fuel Prices for October 2020 Announced in the UAE


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Fuel prices for October 2020 have been announced in the UAE by the Fuel Price Committee. To the delight of motorists on a tight budget, fuel prices have been kept unchanged for the seventh consecutive month. Fuel prices have been stable in the UAE due to a gradual decline observed in the price of Brent (Global Benchmark for Crude Oil) in the international market. A massive decline has been recorded in the demand for crude oil across the globe amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel restrictions and grounding of aircraft are the major factors behind the reduced demand for crude oil. However, fuel prices in the UAE can increase in the coming months if the demand for crude oil increases again.

While motorists in the UAE can benefit from the relief in fuel prices, they must also be prepared to manage their fuel expense if the prices jump again. Motorists need to adopt fuel-saving practices and think about switching to sustainable transport options to keep their fuel expense within their budget.

New Fuel Prices in the UAE for October 2020

Fuel prices for October 2020 have been announced in the UAE. Motorists in the UAE will not have to bring any change to their fuel budget as the fuel prices have been kept unchanged for October 2020. This is a positive development for motorists who have been worried about fluctuating fuel prices in the UAE.


In August 2015, a liberalization strategy for fuel prices was implemented in the UAE. With the implementation of this strategy, the fuel prices were set to move with the market.

Given below are the fuel prices for the month of October in the UAE:

  • The price of Super 98 has been fixed atAED 1.91/litre.
  • The price of Special 95 has been fixed at AED 1.80/litre.
  • The price of E-Plus 91 has been fixed at AED 1.72/litre.
  • The price of Diesel has been fixed at AED 2.06/litre.

How to Reduce Your Fuel Expense in the UAE?

Reducing fuel expense can be one way of getting rid of financial worries caused by fluctuating fuel prices in the UAE. Motorists can adopt several fuel-saving practices to reduce their fuel expense. These practices include regular vehicle maintenance, avoiding aggressive driving, choosing the right fuel type and avoiding frequent road trips.

On the other hand, switching to an Electric Vehicle (EV) can provide motorists with a long-term solution for their financial problems caused by fluctuating fuel prices in the UAE. The Government of the UAE has introduced a comprehensive incentive programme for EV buyers and owners with an aim to increase the sales of EVs.

Electric vehicles can be an excellent alternative to combustion engine vehicles as these vehicles generate power from electric batteries and do not need conventional fuel at all. By upgrading to an EV, motorists can get rid of their financial worries and can also benefit from the incentive programme that was introduced for EV owners and buyers.

If you are planning to sell your combustion engine car to buy a fuel-efficient hybrid or EV, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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