Drive Safe in UAE

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Drive Smart – UAE

Car hire in the United Arab Emirates is the best way to get around Emirates such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi because there is little public transport. Rental cars are not expensive compared to America and local companies charge a flat fee based on the size of the vehicle. A rental vehicle can also protect you from the fierce desert heat and air conditioning is a must. An excellent and modern road system makes driving a pleasurable way to travel around.



Are there any special requirements for driving in UAE?

Cars in the UAE drive on the right hand side of the road with overtaking on the left. It is necessary to drive very defensively in the UAE as local drivers have a reputation for being fast and reckless. Many people will overtake on the right as well despite how dangerous this is. They are on the whole inpatient and will often drive aggressively and overtake without assessing the situation.


The Emirates have some of the world’s highest accident and driving death rates. Avoiding the rush hours in the cities as much as possible is a good idea as this is when people are at their most volatile. Tinted windows are often a sign that the car may have a privileged driver as they are forbidden by law, and cars with tinted windows should generally be given a wide berth. It is also difficult to see other drivers when changing lanes if cars have tinted windows so watch out for this.


UAE TrafficDriving while on a mobile phone is illegal yet that does not stop most of the population from doing it.


If you plan to see the incredible deserts surrounding the UAE then choose a 4×4 vehicle. Other safety precautions should be taken. Let people know where you are going before you leave, travel in a convoy of vehicles and always carry lots of food and water with you.


Having a good map is very useful but constant road works mean they rarely stay up-to-date. You may wis



What should I do if an accident occurs?

Each Emirate has different rules for accidents. If you are driving in Dubai do not move the vehicle unless it is obstructing other motorists. In Abu Dhabi you can move the vehicle to one side so as not to block traffic, but only if vehicle damage is minor and no one has been hurt. Generally you should keep the car where it is but some of Emirates allow you to move it if it is a minor collision and both drivers can agree on who was responsible.  Call the police and remain where you are as it is against the law to leave before they arrive.


Whatever you do remain calm and courteous as displaying a temper can land you in big trouble. The police have the power to fine anyone that they think is being rude to them. Saying or making any obscene gestures to other drivers in the UAE can be a criminal offence.

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