How to Deal with Reckless Drivers on the UAE Roads?


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The road safety situation is improving gradually in the UAE, thanks to the untiring efforts of the traffic authorities. The UAE government and traffic authorities have set a target to reduce road fatalities in the country to 3 deaths per 100,000 people per year in line with the “UAE Vision 2021. In a bid to achieve this target, authorities have taken several important initiatives including the measures taken to improve the transport system and efforts made to raise awareness on traffic rules among motorists. These efforts have played a great role in improving the road safety situation during the last two years, however, the reckless driving behavior of motorists is still a major concern for authorities.

Reckless driving refers to violating traffic rules and not obeying road safety protocols. This is a dangerous behavior that can put the safety of commuters at risk and can also cause traffic delays. According to the latest traffic data, the behavior of motorists has improved significantly over the last few years, but the road safety situation can only improve drastically if all motorists obey traffic rules and avoid careless driving.

Given that you may encounter one or more reckless drivers on a road at some point in time, you must be ready to manage such a challenge carefully. In such a situation, motorists must switch to defensive driving and keep their patience, even if they are intimidated by other drivers. The most important thing that motorists must do is to report all such incidents to traffic authorities immediately. To act in a careful manner while sharing the road with reckless drivers, one must first understand what causes people to drive recklessly.

Why Do People Driver Recklessly?

Reckless driving refers to driving in a way that endangers the safety of other commuters and disturbs the smooth flow of traffic. Reckless drivers are the ones that don’t care about their own safety and the safety of others and don’t respect traffic rules. Such a driving behavior can have devastating consequences on a busy road and can often cause fatal road accidents.

Here are some of the major reasons behind the reckless driving behavior of motorists:


Drivers can be impatient due to fatigue, stress, lack of sleep or just because they don’t have a good temperament for driving. Impatient drivers engage themselves in activities such as sudden swerving, tailgating and jumping the red signal, which can have fatal consequences in heavy traffic.

Getting Late

Hurrying to reach a destination can often result in reckless driving. Motorists must always allow themselves a cushion of a few extra minutes to reach a destination timely even if they get stuck in a traffic jam. Motorists hurrying to reach their destination can commit dangerous traffic violations such as over-speeding, tailgating and jumping the red signal.

Distracted Driving

This is a serious traffic violation that has been identified as the reason behind several fatal road accidents in the UAE. Distracted driving must be avoided at all costs as it compromises the driver’s attention on the road, which can have dangerous consequences. A driver must pay 100% attention on the road and avoid using mobile phone or talking to other passengers while driving.

How to Be Careful while Driving Around Reckless Drivers?

It is important for all motorists to stay alert to the potential hazards on a busy road. Motorists must adopt a proactive approach to be able to handle a situation carefully where they have to share the road with a reckless driver. Such a mindset can help them prepare for a worst-case scenario, which can be useful in safely managing a dangerous road situation. Motorists must understand that a reactive approach can help minimize the impact of a dangerous road situation, but a proactive approach can help avoid a dangerous road situation.

Given below are the tips for motorists to drive safely around reckless drivers:

  • Keep your patience and switch to your defensive mode of driving.
  • Follow traffic rules and avoid reacting to provocations.
  • Never retaliate as it can result in a fatal road accident.
  • Don’t get distracted and maintain 100% attention on the road.
  • Try to give way to the reckless drivers if you are on a multi-lane highway.
  • Try to avoid making eye-contact with reckless drivers as it can result in road rage and increase the risk of a dangerous road incident.

Drive Safely Motorists!

Reckless driving is a serious road safety concern for traffic authorities in the UAE. Reckless drivers have been involved in some of the most dangerous road accidents recorded in the UAE over the last few years, which shows the level of safety risk posed by these drivers. While driving in reckless manner is unsafe, not doing the right things while driving around such drivers can also be dangerous.

Motorists must know why other drivers might drive recklessly to be able to deal with such drivers carefully. Traffic authorities have urged motorists to report such drivers immediately so that the offenders can be penalized effectively. A proactive and responsible driving behavior can help motorists deal with reckless drivers and minimize the risk of a dangerous road accident.

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