Abu Dhabi Police Issues Advisory for Driving in Unstable Weather


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Bad weather has hit the UAE once again as heavy rains and thunderstorms have been recorded across the country. The National Centre of Meteorology has issued a bad weather warning for the next few days and predicted unstable weather in most parts of the country.

Unstable weather can increase commuting challenges and driving in such weather can be difficult even for seasoned drivers. Motorists must be prepared to cope with adverse weather conditions in the coming days as heavy rain, thunderstorms and windstorms can be observed in different parts of the UAE.

Abu Dhabi Police has issued an advisory to raise awareness about safe driving practices that should be followed while driving in bad weather conditions. According to Abu Dhabi Police, the risk of fatal road accidents increases in bad weather conditions, however, dangerous road situations can be avoided by following traffic rules and by developing a careful approach.

Here are the safety guidelines issued by Abu Dhabi Police for driving in bad weather conditions.

Avoid Speeding

Speeding is one of the major reasons behind fatal road accidents in the UAE. The risk of a fatal road accident increases significantly if motorists commit speeding violations in bad weather conditions. Speeding can result in a vehicle spinning out of control, which is why motorists must reduce the speed of their vehicles significantly while driving in bad weather conditions. Abu Dhabi Police has advised motorists to reduce their driving speed to 80 km/h while driving in rainy weather conditions.

The table given below shows the penalties for speeding violations in the UAE.


Avoid Driving in Low Visibility Conditions

Abu Dhabi Police has advised motorists to stop driving if the visibility on roads drops below a dangerous level. Motorists must park their vehicles at a safe place and wait for the visibility to improve before getting behind the wheel again.

Check Tyre Pressure

Motorists must maintain air pressure in the tyres of their vehicles to avoid dangerous situations on wet roads during heavy rainfall. Poorly inflated tyres can be vulnerable to a sudden blowout and can also increase the risk of a vehicle spinning out of control.

Leave a Safe Distance Between Vehicles

This is one of the most important safety practices that motorists must not ignore while driving in bad weather conditions. The distance of at least a vehicle’s length must be left between two vehicles while driving in slippery conditions. A longer braking distance is required in such conditions due to reduced traction on roads, which is why motorists must leave a safe distance from the vehicle ahead to avoid a dangerous collision.


Check Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers must be checked regularly during the rainy season to avoid dangerous road situations. Wipers are used more frequently during bad weather to clear the windscreen, which is why they must always be in good shape. The importance of windshield wipers increases significantly in dense fog and heavy rain as visibility on roads can decrease significantly during such weather conditions. Having windshield wipers in their top condition can reduce the risk of dangerous road accidents in extreme weather conditions.

Drive Safely Motorists

Traffic authorities in the UAE have asked motorists to allow themselves extra time to reach their destinations timely. Motorists must also plan their route ahead of setting off on a journey to reach their destination without a delay even if they get stuck in a traffic jam. By complying with these practices, motorists can avoid committing dangerous violations such as speeding, tailgating and sudden swerving.

The ongoing cloud seeding operations have increased the amount of rainfall in the UAE and bad weather conditions are expected to prevail during the upcoming days as well. Driving can be challenging in such weather conditions, however, motorists must understand that they can avoid dangerous road situations by following traffic rules and by developing a careful driving approach.

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