50% Discount on Traffic Fines Announced in Sharjah


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In a major development, Sharjah Police has announced a major discount offer for motorists with pending hefty fines. Sharjah Police has taken this initiative to reduce the financial burden on motorists and to urge them to follow traffic rules. Sharjah Police is known for taking initiatives for the well-being of motorists and this new initiative will make life a lot easier for motorists on a tight budget.

Traffic fines for dangerous violations were increased significantly in the new traffic law that was implemented in July 2017. The major changes made to the traffic law were aimed at improving the road safety situation and to penalize traffic offenders more effectively. Since then, motorists have had to pay hefty traffic fines for committing dangerous violations, which has added to their financial worries.

Motorists can now face fines up to AED 3,000 and more for committing serious traffic violations such as over-speeding or endangering the lives of others. Paying such a heavy fine can be seriously difficult for motorists on a tight budget, however, it will become relatively easier with the new discount offer announced by the Sharjah Police.

Details of the New Discount Offer by Sharjah Police

Sharjah Police has announced a 50% discount offer on pending traffic fines and advised motorists to avail this offer quickly. It is important for motorists to know that they can only apply for the discount offer for traffic fines that have been issued before October 22, 2019. The 50% discount offer on traffic fines will remain valid until January 31, 2020.

Here are some of the key aspects of the new discount offer that motorists need to know:

  • The new offer allows motorists to avail a 50% discount on their outstanding fines issued before October 22, 2019.
  • The new offer also allows motorists to get their black points removed.
  • The new discount offer can be availed on fines issued for serious violations such as endangering lives of other commuters.
  • Motorists can also get relaxation on the vehicle confiscation penalty issued for minor violations.

This is a massive development for motorists on a tight budget as they will now be able to avail 50% discount even on the fines issued for some dangerous traffic violations. Motorists must apply for this offer as soon as possible as this offer will remain valid just for a limited time.

Understanding the Role of Sharjah Police in Improving Road Safety Situation

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates, one of which is Sharjah. The federal traffic authorities and authorities of all seven emirates collaborate to form traffic plans that can help improve the state of road safety in the country.

These collective efforts have played a great role in improving the road safety situation over the last few years and Sharjah Police has played an active role in this gradual improvement. Sharjah Police has taken several initiatives to improve the road safety situation. This includes taking a tough stance against traffic offenders and launching campaigns to raise awareness on the importance of following road safety practices.

In addition to this, Sharjah Police has also taken initiatives for the well-being and benefit of motorists by offering them discounts on traffic fines on a regular basis. These initiatives have not only made life easier for motorists on a tight budget but have also improved road safety situation in the emirate. With helpful initiatives for motorists, Sharjah Police has encouraged motorists to play an active role in improving the road safety situation.


Sharjah Police has taken yet another initiative for the well-being of motorists. These initiatives set the foundation for an always evolving traffic culture in the emirate, where roads have now become safer than ever before. Motorists should get themselves benefited from this limited-time discount offer and settle their traffic fines quickly. Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police has also urged motorists to avoid traffic violations and help authorities in further improving the road safety situation.

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