RAK Road Painted in Red Color to Highlight Speed Limit


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The RAK Police has taken a new initiative to enhance awareness about the importance of following speed limits. A section of Sheikh Mohammed bin Salem Road towards the end of Union bridge has been painted in red color to highlight the speed limit and to alert speeding drivers. This initiative has been taken to curb the menace of over-speeding in the emirate that has caused several dangerous road accidents in recent times. The speeding violations have been on a high not only in Ras Al Khaimah but also in other parts of the UAE and several important initiatives have been taken to make motorists realize the importance of following speed limits.

Being careful in one’s approach can help avoid a serious road accident that can have dangerous consequences. The realization of the fact that over-speeding can endanger the safety of the driver and other commuters should prevent motorists from violating speed limits. The speed limit of a road is set by carefully observing different factors to ensure the safety of commuters and violation of speed limits can have dangerous results.

Details of the New Initiative Taken by RAK Police

The RAK Police is famous for taking unique initiatives for the well-being of motorists. The traffic authority has now taken an initiative that has been aimed at increasing awareness about speed limits. Several speeding violations are committed by motorists due to their lack of clarity about the speed limit on a road. The new initiative to paint roads in red color will help motorists identify the speed limit as the speed limit has been written in white color in the painted area. This will help motorists identify the speed limit so that they can avoid unintentional speeding violations.

It is important to note that speed monitoring radars have been fitted across the UAE to track speeding violations. The RAK road painted in red color has a marking of 80 km/h as the speed limit. However, there is a buffer of 20 km/h that motorists can benefit from and drive within 100 km/h to avoid speeding penalties. The radars will flash only when motorists drive beyond 100 km/h.

What Makes it Dangerous to Violate Speed Limit on a Road?

Understanding what elevates the risk of a dangerous road accident when someone violates the speed limit is of critical importance. This understanding can help avoid dangerous road situations by following a defensive approach and obeying speed limits.

Motorists must know that the speed limit on a road is set after a detailed study of the following factors:

  • Design and actual use of the road
  • The traffic load on a road
  • History of accidents and speeding violations on a road
  • Dimensions of a road
  • Type of road and where it is located

These are the factors that are brought into consideration while setting the speed limit on a road. With a clear understanding of these factors and how they impact the safety of motorists, one can develop a careful driving approach. The engineers ensure that the speed limit set for a road makes it easy for commuters to reach their destination on time by driving at an appropriate speed.

By violating the speed limit, a driver compromises all the safety protocols that were taken into consideration to make a road safe from dangerous road accidents. This is what makes speeding such a dangerous violation that motorists must avoid at all costs.

How to Prevent Over-speeding?

There are simple practices that motorists can follow to avoid over-speeding. In Ras Al Khaimah and in other emirates of the UAE, speeding has been identified as one of the major reasons behind road fatalities. A careful and proactive approach can help motorists avoid dangerous road accidents in the UAE.

Here are the practices that motorists can follow to avoid over-speeding:

  • Several over-speeding motorists are the ones getting late for work. This can be avoided by leaving early and allowing oneself a cushion of a few extra minutes.
  • Planning a journey is important, which includes leaving on time and seeking navigation help from a reliable source such as Google maps. By planning their journey effectively, motorists can avoid traffic congestion and reach their destination timely. Motorists can take alternative routes and avoid traffic congestion that can create frustration and make motorists commit dangerous violations including over-speeding.
  • Being aware of the speed limits of different roads is significant as many motorists commit speeding violations due to their lack of knowledge about the set speed limit on a road. All major roads in the UAE have signboards to indicate motorists the speed limit. Traffic authorities also continue to launch campaigns to make motorists aware of the speed limits.

Traffic Penalties for Speeding Violations

Motorists can face hefty fines and other penalties for committing speeding violations in the UAE. The penalties for speeding violations were increased when the Federal Traffic Law was amended in 2017. In the new traffic law, the penalties for speeding violations were based on the amount of over-speeding committed beyond the set speed limit on a road. A motorist can now face a hefty fine of AED 3,000 for committing a speeding violation in the UAE.

The table below shows speeding violations according to the new traffic law.

Penalties for the three most dangerous Traffic Violations in the UAE

Speeding must be avoided at all costs as it is a dangerous violation that can endanger the safety of all commuters. Speed limits are set to enhance the safety of commuters and motorists must obey the speed limits to avoid dangerous road accidents caused by over-speeding.

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