6 Things to Do After a Car Accident in the UAE

6 Things to Do After a Car Accident in the UAE

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Motorists can avoid dangerous road accidents by following traffic rules and by adopting a defensive driving approach. While dangerous road situations can be avoided by driving carefully, motorists can find themselves involved in an unexpected road accident due to mistakes of other drivers. Motorists should always be prepared to deal with such an unexpected situation and follow safety guidelines that have been issued by authorities. It is important for motorists to understand that their responsible approach after a car accident can help authorities in dealing with an emergency effectively.

Here are the 6 things that motorists should do if they find themselves involved in a car accident.

Inform the Authorities

This is the first thing to do immediately after a car accident in the UAE. Motorists should either dial 999 to alert authorities about an emergency or they should call 901 for non-emergency situations. Motorists in Dubai can also report minor accidents through the Dubai Police smartphone application. The process of reporting a minor accident through the Dubai Police app is quick and hassle-free.

Take the Vehicles to a Safe Place

In the event of a minor accident, it is important for motorists to take their vehicles away from the road to a safe place. Motorists must know that they can face penalties for blocking the way of others if they don’t take their vehicles away after a minor accident. In the event of a serious collision, motorists must inform their insurance company and ask them to arrange towing service to take their vehicles away from the road.

Turn on the Hazard Lights

After the vehicles involved in an accident have been taken away from the road, motorists must turn on the hazard lights to alert other drivers. Motorists should also come out of their vehicles and wait for authorities to arrive at the accident site. These safety protocols must not be ignored to avoid dangerous road situations after an accident.

Wait for Police to Arrive at the Accident Site

Motorists should never flee from the accident site even if they have not caused the accident. Motorists must wait for the authorities to arrive at the site so that they can figure out the reason behind the accident and identify the driver at fault. Fleeing from the accident site can result in legal actions taken against the motorists. Motorists can take the pictures of the number plate of a vehicle and show it to Police if the driver who caused the accident tries to run away from the accident site.

Obtain the Accident Report from Police

Police assesses the intensity of collision, possible reasons behind the accident and the driver at fault to prepare the accident report. Motorists need to obtain this report to carry out repairs of their accident-damaged vehicle.

It is illegal in the UAE to get an accident-damaged vehicle repaired without obtaining the Police report. Motorists in Dubai can use their Dubai Police smartphone application to get the accident report within 24 hours of the accident.

Notify the Insurance Company

Motorists must notify their insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Motorists should call the insurance company and ask them to arrange collection of the car that has sustained damages. For the validation of the insurance claim, motorists will need to submit the Police report of the accident to the insurance company after which the claim will be formalized.

In addition to the aforementioned factors, motorists should also evaluate the extent of damage sustained by their vehicle during the accident. Even though this is not a legal requirement, but it should be considered to make sure that the finances required to repair the car do not exceed the residual value of the vehicle.

Evaluating the Extent of Damage Sustained by a Car

A vehicle can be seriously damaged in the event of a high-impact collision. In such a situation, car owners should immediately apply for the insurance claim as cost of repairs of such a vehicle can be too high. The cost of repairs in such instances can even exceed the actual resale value of the vehicle and motorists should avoid getting such a vehicle repaired unless the cost of repairs is covered under the insurance claim.

It can be a good option for car owners to sell such vehicles, however, selling an accident-damaged vehicle is not easy by any means. Professional dealers usually don’t purchase accident-damaged vehicles, which makes it very difficult to find a potential buyer for such vehicles.

How to Sell an Accident-damaged Vehicle in the UAE?

Motorists can sell their accident-damaged vehicles in a hassle-free manner to SellAnyCar.com. With the nationwide network of branches, SellAnyCar.com is the UAE’s largest car buying company. Car sellers can sell any used car to SellAnyCar.com regardless of its age, model or condition and even if it is an accident-damaged vehicle. There is a simple step-by-step process to sell an accident-damaged vehicle to SellAnyCar.com at a fair price. In this way, car owners can avoid a financial loss and sell their accident-damaged vehicles at a fair price.


Driving carefully with a defensive mindset can help avoid dangerous road accidents. However, sometimes accidents can occur due to driving mistakes of other drivers. While such incidents are unfortunate, motorists must not lose their calmness after an unexpected car accident. Motorists should act in a responsible manner and comply with the above-mentioned safety practices whenever they find themselves involved in a car accident.

If you are looking to sell your accident-damaged or used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.


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