Dubai Police Warns Motorists Against Reckless Driving

Dubai Police Warns Motorists Against Reckless Driving

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Dubai Police has warned motorists against reckless driving and reminded them of serious penalties for committing dangerous traffic violations. The risk of dangerous road accidents can increase in Ramadan as fasting motorists can experience low blood sugar levels and find it difficult to maintain their attention while driving.  Driving in peak hours can particularly take a toll on most of the drivers, however, by getting enough sleep and adopting a defensive driving approach, motorists can easily avoid dangerous road situations during Ramadan.

The warning by Dubai Police has been issued at the start of Ramadan in a bid to eliminate the risk of fatal road accidents during the holy month. Authorities have also urged motorists to be more cautious to avoid road accidents caused by driving mistakes committed by other fasting motorists.

Details of the Warning Issued by Authorities

The Dubai Police has intensified its efforts to improve the road safety situation in the emirate during the holy month of Ramadan. Authorities have urged motorists to avoid reckless driving as it can prove to have dangerous consequences on busy roads. Motorists have also been advised to avoid distractions while driving, be tolerant towards others and practice patience and restraint.

Authorities have asked motorists to avoid over-speeding to reach their homes for Iftar as it can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic and can cause frustrating traffic jams. Dubai Police has announced that Police patrols will distribute Iftar meals to motorists, workers and needy people before Al-Maghrib prayer at sunset.

Traffic Penalties for Speeding Violations in the UAE

Speed limits are set by authorities after a comprehensive study of several factors such as dimensions of a road, traffic load and history of dangerous accidents recorded on a road. All these safety protocols are compromised when a speeding motorist violates the speed limit, which puts the safety of all commuters at serious risk.

Speeding has been identified as one of the most frequently committed traffic violations during the holy month of Ramadan over the last few years. Speeding is dangerous because the risk of committing several other serious violations increases when motorists violate speed limits.

Motorists can commit other violations such as sudden swerving, tailgating and jumping the red light, which can result in dangerous road situations. Speeding is a major reason behind fatal road accidents in the UAE, which is why authorities have set hefty penalties for speeding offenders.

The table given below shows the traffic penalties for speeding violations in the UAE.

Traffic Penalties for Speeding Violations in the UAE

Official Statement

Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Director of the General Directorate of Traffic in Dubai Police said that the Dubai Police is committed to control the flow of traffic and maintain safety of all commuters during the holy month of Ramadan. He said the authorities have taken necessary measures to ensure that worshippers are facilitated in their movements at the entry and exit points of mosques. He advised all the motorists to be particularly careful about parking their vehicles and avoid indiscriminate parking in front of mosques to allow others to enjoy their rituals during Ramadan.

Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui mentioned that authorities have intensified traffic patrols, especially during the prayer timings. He added that the Dubai Police has started a crackdown against traffic offenders who violate traffic rules and put road safety of all commuters at risk.


The Dubai Police has issued a warning against reckless driving motorists and advised them to follow traffic rules. The traffic patrols have been intensified in Dubai to ensure the safety of commuters during the holy month of Ramadan. Motorists must practice patience during Ramadan and drive carefully to avoid dangerous road situations. It is also important for motorists to follow practices that can help them maintain their concentration while driving.

Getting enough sleep and managing the adequate intake of water beside the fasting hours can help in maintaining energy levels throughout the day. A careful approach during Ramadan can help motorists in avoiding dangerous driving mistakes that can result in fatal road accidents.

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