Speed Limit Changed on a Major Road in Dubai

Speed Limit Changed on a Major Road in Dubai

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In a major new development, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has changed the speed limit on a major road in Dubai. The speed limit has been changed on Sheikh Zayed bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Street as part of the efforts of the Roads and Transport Authority to improve road safety situation in the emirate.

According to authorities, the decision to change the speed limit on Sheikh Zayed bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Street has been taken after an extensive study of many important factors such as road condition, surrounding environment and traffic flow.

Details of the Announcement by RTA

RTA is well-known for taking positive initiatives for the well-being of its customers in Dubai. The traffic safety studies are continuously commissioned by RTA to plan and execute strategies that can help improve the safety of commuters. The decision to change the speed limit on Sheikh Zayed bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Street was implemented on March 17, 2019 after taking several important factors into consideration.

Authorities have announced that speed limit has been increased on Sheikh Zayed bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Street in the sector between Dubai-Al Ain Road and Al Yalayes Road. The speed limit has been increased from 90 Km/h to 100 Km/h and motorists should be aware of this speed limit change so that they can avoid hefty speeding penalties.

Traffic Penalties for Speeding Violations in Dubai

Speeding is ranked as one of the most dangerous traffic violations by traffic authorities in Dubai. Speeding, sudden swerving and distracted driving have collectively caused the most number of road accidents in Dubai during the last few years, which is why authorities have adopted a tougher stance against traffic offenders. The speeding penalties were increased in the new traffic law that was implemented in the UAE on July 1, 2017.

The table given below provides details of the speeding penalties according to the new traffic law.

Traffic Penalties for Speeding Violations in Dubai

Official Statement on the Change in Speed Limit

Maitha bin Adai, CEO of Traffic and Roads Agency, RTA said that the decision to change the speed limit on Sheikh Zayed bin Hamdan Al Nahyan Street in the sector between Dubai-Al Ain Road and Al Yalayes Road has been taken after extensive studies based on the Speed Management Manual in Dubai. This manual contains information on different procedures, engineering standards and stipulations that need to be assessed while revising the speed limit on a particular road.

This manual has been designed to help authorities in implementing the best speed management policies according to the latest international practices. She mentioned that the Speed Management Manual charts out the correlation between traffic flow and optimal speed limits while taking into account factors such as engineering standards and lack of compliance with speed limits.

Maitha bin Adai added that many other factors are also taken into consideration while lowering or increasing the speed limit including designed speed of the road, actual speed observed by motorists, the rate of urbanization on both sides of the roads, availability of important facilities and pedestrian movement. This is an extensive process and authorities take into account all the important factors to execute the best strategies that can be useful for managing the smooth flow of traffic on Dubai roads.

Also read: Traffic Authorities in Dubai Announce a Big Discount Offer on Traffic Fines


Over the last few years, RTA has been collaborating with other traffic authorities to execute strategies for gradual improvement in the road safety situation. These efforts have played a significant role in improving the road safety situation during the last few years in Dubai. According to latest traffic reports, the number of road accidents and road deaths has decreased in Dubai from previous years, which is a positive development, thanks to the untiring efforts of RTA and other traffic authorities. The new development to increase the speed limit on a major road in Dubai is part of RTA’s efforts to minimize the risk of dangerous road accidents caused by speeding violations.

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