How to Sell a Used Car with a Damaged Engine in the UAE?

How to Sell a Used Car with Damaged Engine in the UAE?

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Selling a used car with a damaged engine is not easy by any means due to the level of difficulty involved in finding a potential buyer. For car buyers looking to buy a used car, a car that requires engine repair or overhauling is not a favorable option, which means car sellers have to look for other suitable options to sell their vehicle at a fair price. Car sellers should compare all the available options and choose the best option to obtain the best resale value for their vehicle with a damaged engine.

The Right Approach for Selling a Used Car with a Damaged Engine

It is important for car sellers to understand that they should not consider repairing or overhauling the engine as it can be very costly and the repair costs can often exceed the actual resale value of the vehicle. Car sellers should also not think about selling such a vehicle to junkyards as there can be many other factors that can positively impact the resale value of a used vehicle even if its engine is damaged.

In such a situation, sellers should follow practices that can boost the resale value of their used vehicle. From removing scratches and minor dents to getting done with a service wash, car sellers should make an effort to prepare their vehicle for selling it in the used car market.

Who Can Buy a Vehicle with a Damaged Engine?

Selling a vehicle with a damaged engine can be very difficult, however, there are platforms available for selling such vehicles at a fair price in the UAE. Car sellers should understand that privately selling such a car through classified websites is not a good option as classified websites don’t ensure guaranteed purchase of a used car. Additionally, car sellers can be approached by people with criminal or fraudulent intentions as classified websites typically don’t have a mechanism to verify the identity of users. All these factors make classifieds an unsafe and unreliable option for selling used cars in the UAE.

Also read: How to Sell an Accident-damaged Car quickly and conveniently in the UAE?

Professional Dealers can buy a Vehicle with a Damaged Engine

Cars with damaged engine can be sold in the used car market to professional car dealers, however, dealers will never offer a good resale price for buying such vehicles. Most of the dealers will offer a trade-in deal for such vehicles, which is never a beneficial option for car sellers.

Trading in a vehicle refers to exchanging a vehicle with another vehicle by settling the difference between two payments. Dealers always maintain an upper hand in a trade-in deal due to their experience and expert negotiation skills. Dealers can make the car sellers think that it is extremely difficult to sell a car with a damaged engine and they are doing a huge favor by offering the trade-in option for such a vehicle. This is how dealers can convince car sellers to accept the trade-in deal, which can result in financial loss for sellers.

To know what can be a good alternative to trading in a vehicle, read our blog titled, Understanding What Can be a Smart Alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE.

Specialist Car Buying Companies Can Buy Vehicles with Damaged Engine

Unlike professional dealers, specialist car buying companies offer car sellers a hassle-free approach for selling their used cars in the UAE. Car sellers can sell their vehicles with damaged engine at a fair price to specialist car buying companies by following a simple and straightforward process. These companies offer a competitive market value for a used car based on its conditions, age, make or model and guarantee purchase of all used cars including the accident-damaged cars and cars with damaged engine.

How Helps in Selling a Car with Damaged Engine? is the largest car buying company in the UAE that has made car selling completely hassle-free for car sellers. Car sellers can follow a simple process to sell their used car, regardless of its condition, in addition to this the company offers an ideal market price for such a vehicle. Car sellers need to first evaluate their vehicle through the online car valuation tool and then book an appointment for physical inspection of the vehicle at a nearby branch of Car sellers can sell their vehicle to the company in just 30 minutes while the post-sale paperwork is handled by the company.

To know the complete process of selling a used car to, watch this video which explains the entire process in detail.

While selling a car with a damaged engine through classified websites is not safe, deciding to sell it to a professional car dealer can result in financial loss for sellers. Therefore, an ideal option for car sellers is to choose a specialist car buying company like for selling a car with damaged engine at a fair market price.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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