Understanding What Can be a Smart Alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE

Understanding What Can be a Smart Alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE

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Many car dealerships in the UAE offer trade-in service to car owners that refers to exchanging a vehicle with a new one by settling the difference between two payments. According to experts, trading-in a vehicle is a relatively complicated process as it can potentially limit the financial gains of a car owner.

Dealers usually offer a discount on the price of a new car when a car owner accepts the trade-in deal, however, it can potentially result in selling a used vehicle at a price that is below its market value. A trade-in deal can never be in the favor of a car owner whereas dealers can get the most out of this deal. Car owners should ideally sell their used vehicle and buy a new one separately so that they can negotiate for a fair deal on both accounts.

Why Car Owners Accept the Trade-in Offer?

Most of the car owners opt for a trade-in deal to sell their used vehicle and buy a new one quickly. Such car owners look at trade-ins as a reliable option that can potentially save their time and effort required in selling and buying vehicles separately. Trade-ins are quite common in the UAE’s used car market as experienced dealers have the ability to trick car sellers and convince them to choose the trade-in option. While trading in a vehicle to licensed dealers is legal, it can result in financial loss for car owners. Dealers will offer low market value for a used car and still convince customers to trade-in their vehicle by offering a discount offer on the new car.

Dealers always maintain an upper hand in the trade-in process due to their vast experience of the used car market and expert negotiation skills. The dealer will either offer a bigger discount on the new car and a low price for the used car or they will offer a better price for the used car and a smaller discount on the new car. In either case, car dealers try to maximize their profit by controlling both parts of the trade-in transactions.

Also read: How to Sell Your Used Car at a Good Price to Buy a New Car?

What can be an Alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE?

Selling a used vehicle and buying a new one separately can easily help car owners secure their financial gains on both accounts. A used car can be sold quickly and safely through professional dealers or to specialist car buying companies in the UAE. Selling a used car to dealers is not an ideal option as dealers don’t offer a fair resale value for a used vehicle. Dealers have many years of experience in the used car market and they can easily exploit vulnerable car sellers to buy their vehicles at a low price.

Selling a vehicle to specialist car buying companies is arguably the best way to sell used cars in the UAE. These companies follow a straightforward process to buy cars and promise guaranteed purchase of every vehicle, regardless of its condition or age. Car owners can easily sell a used car at its best market price to specialist car buying companies, which can help them in having a flexible budget for buying a new vehicle. This approach can be more beneficial as compared to a trade-in deal that only guarantees financial gains for car dealers.

Also read: 20 Reasons why you save Real Money with SellAnyCar.com

How SellAnyCar.com is an ideal alternative to Trade-ins in the UAE?

SellAnyCar.com is the largest car buying company in the UAE with a vast network of branches located across the country. SellAnyCar.com makes selling a used vehicle simple and completely hassle-free and promises guaranteed purchase of any vehicle, regardless of its age, condition, make or model. The company also accepts accident-damaged vehicles and offers the best resale value for such vehicles. Car sellers can sell a used car at its best possible market price to SellAnyCar.com in just 30 minutes. Selling a used car at a fair price makes it possible for customers to maximize their budget for buying a new vehicle.

The company also handles all post-sale paperwork, which makes it possible to sell a used car in a hassle-free manner. Customers need to fill the online car valuation form and book an appointment at one of its nationwide branches to sell their used car at a fair price in the UAE. All of the services offered by the UAE’s largest car buying company including car valuation and physical inspection are zero-obligation services.

Customers can walkout at any point without paying any fees if they don’t like the process or if they don’t agree with the final offer. Separating the selling of a used car and purchase of a new car ensures financial gains for car owners while trading in a vehicle only caters to the benefits of dealers.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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