Terrafugia’s New Edition

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We remember the shock and awe experienced by those that sa the Transition flying over the northeastern part of the United States one August evening not too long ago. Now, flying-car maker Terrafugia has revealed plans to develop a hybrid-electric roadable aircraft. Similar to the Transition, the TF-X will feature folding wings that enable it to be driven on the road; however, unlike the Transition, which requires a runway for takeoff, the TF-X’s tilting dual rotors will allow it to ascend vertically like a helicopter.


Liftoff is powered by twin 600 horsepower “motor pods,” featuring 16 electric motors each. Terrafugia says a megawatt of power will be used to raise the vehicle off the ground, at which point the rotors shift forward and the propellers fold so the vehicle can cruise. Once airborne, a 300 horsepower engine will power the vehicle up to 200 miles per hour for an estimated 500 miles. The TF-X will feature an automated flying mode that will avoid collisions, poor weather, and automatically land the vehicle. In case of an emergency, the TF-X will notify authorities and the pilot can deploy a full-vehicle parachute. In addition to its impressive airplane-like abilites, the aircraft will be street-legal for driving on the road.


Although the promise of a convenient flying car appears closer than ever, this Jetsonian car of the future may still be several years away. Terrafugia expects development of the TF-X to last 8 to 12 years. And it won’t be cheap when it finally arrives. The company predicts that the TF-X “could be on-par with very high-end luxury cars of today.” Even though for most of the world, such a vehicle could not be easily procured, it would be quite a spectacle one day to see something like this flying around, or even landing and transitioning from air to land transportation. If only people like Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers could see this! It almost makes their hard work seem fruitless, even though it was they who really started the boost in transportation abilities.

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