Abu Dhabi Police Issues a Strict Warning against Tailgating Drivers

Abu Dhabi Police Issues a Strict Warning against Tailgating Drivers

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Abu Dhabi Police has issued a strict warning against tailgating drivers after observing a significant increase in tailgating violations this year. Authorities have released the traffic stats of road accidents recorded in 2018 so far and have identified tailgating as a major reason behind dangerous road accidents. Tailgating refers to the failure of a driver to leave a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, which can have seriously dangerous consequences on a busy road.

Traffic authorities have advised motorists to avoid tailgating, particularly when driving in bad weather conditions. With heavy rainfall and unexpected weather predicted in the forecast for the next few days, it is essential for motorists to drive carefully and avoid committing dangerous violations such as tailgating, over-speeding and sudden swerving amongst others.

Also read: New Survey Reveals Why Drivers Tailgate on the UAE Roads

Official Statement on Tailgating Incidents

Tailgating has been identified as one of the leading reasons for dangerous road accidents in Abu Dhabi this year. Brigadier General Khalifa Al Khaili, Director of the Traffic and Patrols Department at Abu Dhabi Police urged motorists to keep a safe distance between vehicles while driving to allow themselves and other motorists more reaction time in heavy traffic.

He also mentioned the dangerous consequences of tailgating in rainy season and asked motorists to be extra careful while driving on wet roads to eliminate the risk of a fatal collision. He said that keeping safe distance between vehicles while driving on wet roads allows motorists more time, which can potentially help avoid a dangerous road accident.

Traffic Data on Tailgating Incidents

Tailgating has been amongst the most frequently committed traffic violations in Abu Dhabi this year. According to authorities, as many as 135 dangerous road accidents have been recorded in Abu Dhabi during 2018 so far and 13% of these accidents have been caused by tailgating drivers.

Also read: Road Safety Stats for the First Four Months of 2018 Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

Penalties for Tailgating in Abu Dhabi

According to the traffic law of the UAE, a fine of AED 400 and 4 black points are the penalties for committing a tailgating violation. Tailgating is an extremely dangerous traffic violation because a tailgating driver can also commit many other dangerous violations such as sudden swerving, jumping the red signal and over-speeding. It means the offender can face hefty penalties for multiple violations at the same time.

Penalties for dangerous violations were increased in the amended traffic law, which was implemented in July last year. Motorists can now face serious penalties including heavy fines, suspension of driving license and vehicle confiscation for committing dangerous violations.

The advanced traffic monitoring radars and cameras fitted across Abu Dhabi can track violations with incredible accuracy even in heavy traffic. Motorists must follow traffic rules and adopt a defensive driving approach to avoid hefty penalties for committing dangerous violations.

Why Tailgating is Dangerous in Heavy Rain?

Driving in heavy rain is not easy by any means and even seasoned drivers can find it tough to maneuver their vehicles safely in slippery driving conditions. Driving on wet roads is dangerous, mainly because the traction available on the road decreases and the risk of a vehicle slipping out of control increases significantly. In heavy rains when roads are flooded with water, a driver needs to adopt a defensive driving approach and drive at a fairly slow speed. Driving at a higher speed can increase the risk of hydroplaning (a condition in which a vehicle at high speed starts to float on the water), which can be extremely dangerous. Vehicles with worn out tyres are prone to hydroplaning even more as their tyre tread is not very deep, which reduces traction to a dangerously low level on wet and water logged roads.

In a worst-case scenario, the visibility can go down significantly, which can further add to the difficulties faced by a driver. Under such circumstances, it becomes considerably important to leave a safe distance between vehicles. Not leaving a safe distance between vehicles will increase the risk of a fatal collision because of reduced traction and limited reaction time for drivers.


Bad weather has hit the UAE once again, which has made driving a serious challenge for motorists, especially for young or inexperienced drivers. Apart from following traffic rules and adopting a defensive driving approach, motorists should also maintain their vehicles regularly to avoid a sudden car breakdown situation in the rainy season. Motorists should remain careful and make their best effort to avoid driving mistakes that can result in dangerous road accidents on wet roads.

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