Motorists to Receive Yellow Cards for Careless Driving in School Zones

Motorists to Receive Yellow Card for Careless Driving in School Zones

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Abu Dhabi Police has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against traffic offenders committing dangerous violations in school zones. A warning was already issued against errant drivers ahead of the start of the new school term and authorities have now intensified their efforts to improve the safety of children on Abu Dhabi roads.

In a new development that aims at further improving the scope of child safety, Abu Dhabi Police has started to issue Yellow Cards to motorists for committing minor traffic violations in or near school zones. Authorities have taken this step to urge motorists to comply with essential road safety practices in school zones so that the risk of dangerous road situations involving children can be completely eliminated.

Also read: A Day without Accidents Campaign Launched in Dubai to Improve Child Safety

Details of the New Road Safety Initiative Taken By Abu Dhabi Police

Abu Dhabi Police has asked motorists to follow traffic rules and be more careful when driving in or near school zones. A large number of traffic monitoring devices have been installed in school zones to ensure that errant drivers are nabbed down and penalized effectively. Additionally, Police Patrols are also to remain alert at all times in school zones to catch motorists driving in a careless manner.

While motorists have to face hefty fines and other serious penalties for committing dangerous violations, they will now be issued a Yellow Card as a friendly warning for careless driving in school zones. This new development will aim at improving the safety of students and make motorists more aware of their responsibilities.

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” تحت شعار”خلونا نعبر”..مرور أبوظبي تحث السائقين على تأمين سلامة الطلاب أمام المدارس . . حثت مديرية المرور والدوريات، في قطاع العمليات المركزية، بشرطة أبوظبي، على ضرورة الالتزام بقوانين وأنظمة المرور والحرص على تعزيز السلامة لطلبة وطالبات المدارس . وكانت المديرية حررت مخالفات تحذيرية، للسائقين المخالفين، بالقرب من المدارس وفي محيطها، ضمن فعاليات حملة العودة للمدارس، بالتعاون مع الشركاء، تحت شعار “خلونا نعبر”. وأكد المقدم أحمد خادم القبيسي، رئيس قسم الضبط المروري، بإدارة مرور أبوظبي، أن المخالفات التحذيرية، إضافة إلى البطاقات الصفراء، تهدف إلى تعزيز الايجابية لدى قائدي المركبات والحافلات المدرسية وتتيح لهم الفرصة لمراجعة سلوكياتهم المرورية السلبية، وحثهم على الإلتزام بالقوانين، خصوصاً عند نقل الطلاب، وضمن الحرص على توفير البيئة المرورية الآمنة، ضمن الأولوية الاستراتيجية لشرطة أبوظبي، في جعل الطرق أكثر أمنا. وأضاف: ينفذ المخالفات التحذيرية، أقسام الضبط المروري، بمختلف مناطق إمارة أبوظبي أمام المدارس، وتتضمن توجيه تحذير أو بطاقة صفراء للسائق المخطئ مروريا، على أن لا تكون هذه المخالفات من الدرجة الأولى، حيث يتم تنبيه السائق إلى المخالفة التي ارتكبها، حتى يتداركها لاحقا ولا يكررها. ودعا، القبيسي، السائقين إلى تدارك أخطاءهم المرورية، من خلال الالتزام بالقوانين وعدم تكرار ارتكاب المخالفات التي يترتب عليها تسجيل نقاط مرورية. #سلامة_أبناؤنا_أولا #العودة_للمدارس ‏⁦‪@stscabudhabi⁩ ‏⁦‪@abudhabidot⁩ ‏⁦‪@adek_insta ‏⁦‪@dcdabudhabi⁩ ‏⁦‪@emiratestrans⁩ ‏⁦‪@uaesaaed #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #أخبار_شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني ‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolicee #ADPolice_news ‏#security_media

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The “Let’s Cross Campaign”

The Yellow Card initiative is part of the recently launched back-to-school campaign, “Let’s Cross.” The Traffic and Patrols Directorate has launched this campaign in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Department of Community Development, Department of Transport, Department of Education and Knowledge (Adek), Emirates Transport and Saeed Traffic System. This campaign primarily aims at creating awareness amongst motorists about the importance of their role in improving the safety of children on Abu Dhabi roads.

Official Statement on the New Initiative

Motorists in the UAE will now be issued a Yellow Card as a soft reminder that they need to be more careful while driving in the school zones. Abu Dhabi Police shared a new post on its Instagram page where it urged motorists to stay alert while driving in school zones. The Instagram post reads, “Stay Alert so They Don’t Get Hurt.” Understanding the importance of child safety is important and authorities have increased their efforts to ensure that all motorists recognize the importance of safe driving in school zones.

Lt Col Ahmad Khadem Al Qubaisi, Head of Traffic Control at Abu Dhabi Police’s Traffic Department said that Abu Dhabi Police has issued multiple warnings to motorists and school bus drivers to ensure the safety of children. He emphasized the importance of giving way to school buses, allowing children the right of way at Zebra Crossings and avoiding over-speeding in school zones. He said that authorities have started a crackdown against errant drivers who don’t follow these important road safety practices, however, issuing a Yellow Card will just serve as a friendly reminder to motorists if they commit a minor driving mistake in school zones. It will be a warning to discourage motorists from committing dangerous violations and will ultimately help eliminate the risk of dangerous road situations involving children.

Also read: New Traffic Signs with Emojis Installed Near School Zones in Dubai

Frequently Committed Traffic Violations in School Zones

Authorities are working tirelessly to build an understanding amongst motorists about the importance of adopting a defensive driving approach in school zones. Motorists have often been found guilty of not giving the right of way to school buses, which has frequently disrupted the flow of traffic in school zones.  In addition to this, motorists have often failed to follow the stop sign of school buses, which is a serious traffic violation for which motorists face a hefty fine of AED 1,000 and 10 black points are issued against their driving license.

Over-speeding is another dangerous violation that has been identified as a major safety concern for authorities in school zones. Motorists can face serious penalties for speeding violations, in fact, they can be booked for a whopping fine of AED 3,000, which is the highest penalty for a speeding violation according to the recently amended traffic law.

Here are the penalties for speeding violations according to the amended traffic law that was implemented last year.

Frequently Committed Traffic Violations in School Zones


Road safety situation in Abu Dhabi has improved from last year, however, the safety of children in school zones is still a concern. Any major improvement in this regard can only be made possible with a mutual effort of traffic authorities, motorists and school bus drivers. Everyone has to play their part in ensuring the safety of children on Abu Dhabi roads so that the risk of dangerous road accidents involving children can be completely eliminated over a short period of time.

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