3D Mapping For Self-Driving Cars

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In an effort to expand on the idea of autonomous vehicles, Nokia has joined Mercedes-Benz in the design of an innovative new navigational system: a 3D map.


The mapping feature will be provided by Nokia’s Here, a cloud-based service that offers drivers real-time traffic updates, road closures, and recommendations based on their location. Gearing up now for Internet-connected cars, Here will ultimately take on the challenge of directing self-driving cars.


“The requirements put on maps by autonomous driving go beyond what has been available until now,” Nokia said in a blog post. “The very exact precision of lane width, road sign locations, and other road network attributes are all crucial components needed to provide routing for autonomous vehicles. This is an area Mercedes-Benz and Here will continue to explore together, as automakers and Here spearhead the innovation for future commercial autonomous vehicles.”


Nokia and Mercedes-Benz didn’t offer a time frame for such Here-enabled autonomous autos, but they are far from the only companies with a vision of self-driving cars. Google has been testing driverless cars for a long time, with the aim of one day commercializing the technology. Several automakers, including Ford and Nissan are also working toward a future of driverless cars.


So the big question becomes: when might consumers be able to sit behind the wheel of a self-driving car? Last year, Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that his company will have autonomous cars available by 2017. Nissan recently said its goal is to start rolling out self-driving vehicles by 2020.


Even the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has become enthusiastic about the technology, albeit with a extreme caution. Last May, NHTSA Administrator David Strickland said, “We’re encouraged by the new automated vehicle technologies being developed and implemented today but want to ensure that motor vehicle safety is considered in the development of these advances.”

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