Abu Dhabi Police Reveals Traffic Stats for Speeding and Jumping the Red Signal

Abu Dhabi Police Reveals Traffic Stats for Speeding and Jumping the Red Signal

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According to a recently released report by Abu Dhabi Police, as many as 11,434 motorists were fined for over-speeding in Abu Dhabi during the first quarter of 2018. Speeding has been amongst the most dangerous traffic violations recorded in Abu Dhabi over the last few years. Speeding can prove to have fatal consequences on a busy road as a speeding motorist tends to commit many other dangerous violations such as tailgating, sudden swerving and jumping the red signal.

As per the traffic report, speeding near intersections remained a major concern in the first quarter of 2018 and many motorists were booked for jumping the red signal during this period. The risk of a dangerous road accident increases considerably if a motorist tries to cross a traffic light at high speed before it turns red.

Details of the New Traffic Report

Abu Dhabi Police has revealed the data of traffic violations recorded in the first three months of 2018 and warned motorists against committing dangerous violations such as speeding and jumping the red signal. Speeding at intersections emerged as the most common type of speeding violation that also resulted in dangerous road accidents during the first quarter of the year.

Speeding near intersections to cross the traffic light before it turns red is termed as a reckless driving behavior by authorities. Motorists must be careful and avoid committing such a dangerous driving mistake because a large number of traffic monitoring radars have been installed to catch motorists speeding near the intersections. During the first quarter of this year, 11,434 motorists were booked for speeding violations while 2,375 red signal violations were recorded as per the report of Abu Dhabi Police.

To know why motorists jump the red signal and to learn about the penalties for this violation, read our blog titled, Authorities Warn Motorists against Jumping the Red Signal in Abu Dhabi.

Official Statement

Brigadier Khalifa Mohammad Al Khaili, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate said that speeding can be seriously dangerous on a busy road as it can affect the smooth flow of traffic and potentially create a chaotic situation, which can distract other motorists and cause a dangerous road accident. The lives of other motorists as well as the pedestrians remain at a serious threat at the hands of an over-speeding motorist, which is why authorities have urged motorists to remain careful and follow the traffic rules.

A Police Official confirmed that speeding near intersections remained a major reason behind road accidents recorded in the first quarter of 2018. He said that speeding near intersections can cause serious road accidents often having fatal consequences.

To understand the impact of over-speeding, its dangerous consequences and penalties in the UAE, click here.

How Can Latest Car Safety Technologies Help in Avoiding Dangerous Traffic Violations?

Dangerous traffic violations can increase the risk of road deaths and this is the reason why a number of initiatives have been taken by the authorities to discourage motorists from committing such violations. The ultimate aim of traffic authorities in the UAE is to achieve zero road deaths per 100,000 people by 2020 and to make it happen, authorities have taken multiple initiatives such as the implementation of new seatbelt policy and increasing the traffic penalties for dangerous traffic violations to improve the road safety situation.

On the other hand, a recent recommendation by ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) was approved by the UAE Cabinet to make the ECall Emergency System a standard safety technology in all cars delivered to the UAE market from 2021. This is an important post-collision safety technology that helps in minimizing the risk of road deaths.

All New Cars to Feature ECall Emergency System from 2021 in the UAE, read more.

While the ECall Emergency System can reduce the probability of road deaths in the event of a dangerous road collision, there are many safety technologies that can help a driver avoid dangerous driving mistakes, which can result in a serious road accident.

Here are the safety technologies to lookout for when buying a new vehicle in the UAE if you want to avoid unintentional driving mistakes that can create dangerous road situations.

All of these intelligent safety technologies can help a motorist to avoid committing dangerous traffic violations such as over-speeding, sudden swerving and tailgating, which are all classed as dangerous driving mistakes. The ultimate control of the vehicle, however, remains with the driver and a motorist needs to make a conscious effort to make use of these advanced car safety technologies effectively. It is important for motorists to realize their civic responsibility and make their contribution towards improving the road safety situation in the UAE by being more careful, responsible and alert while driving.

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