626 Vehicles Seized in Abu Dhabi for Generating Excessive Noise

626 Vehicles Seized in Abu Dhabi for Generating Excessive Noise

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Abu Dhabi Polices has released its latest report on traffic fines issued against offenders driving noisy vehicles in the emirate. According to this report, 626 vehicles were seized in the emirate for generating excessive noise during the first three months of 2018. The numbers are quite high, considering this is a serious traffic violation that has a higher penalty than most of the other traffic violations.

Driving a noisy vehicle can disrupt the flow of traffic and increase the anxiety amongst motorists, which can result in dangerous road situations. The frustration caused by noisy vehicles and the psychological impact of honking on the senses of motorists can create a chaotic situation on a busy road as it can distract motorists and divide their attention, which can result in dangerous road accidents.

Details of the New Traffic Stats Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

Abu Dhabi Police reveals important traffic stats throughout the year to help motorists understand the traffic problems in the emirate and urge them to make an effort to avoid most prevalent and common traffic violations. These reports are also revealed to warn motorists against specific traffic violations by highlighting the hefty penalties and dangerous consequences of these violations.

In order to issue a strong warning against excessive honking, Abu Dhabi Police has now released a startling data of traffic fines issued against motorists in Abu Dhabi who were found guilty of driving noisy vehicles on Abu Dhabi roads.

According to Abu Dhabi Police, 626 vehicles were seized for causing excessive noise, which is a traffic violation according to the traffic rules of the UAE. These violations were recorded in the first three months of 2018 alone, which is a shocking number given this violation has a hefty traffic penalty.

Also read: New Road Side Sensors to Detect Noisy vehicles in Abu Dhabi

Penalties for Driving a Vehicle that makes too Much Noise

Excessive use of horns and blasting the stereo system at full volume while driving are the practices that are considered as a violation of traffic rules and motorists can be penalized for exhibiting such reckless behavior on a busy road. The potential threat of causing a dangerous road accident is the reason why driving a noisy vehicle levies a hefty traffic penalty on motorists as compared to other traffic violations. A fine of AED 2,000 and 12 black points issued against the driving license of the offender are the penalties for driving a vehicle that makes excessive noise.

شرطة أبوظبي: ضبط 626 مركبة تسببت بالضجيج والإزعاج في الربع الأول من العام الجاري. . . كشفت شرطة أبوظبي أن عدد المركبات التي تم ضبطها لتسببها في الضجيج خلال الربع الأول من العام الجاري 2018 من “1 يناير إلى 31 مارس الماضي” بلغت نحو 626 مركبة. وأوضح المقدم خليفة الخييلي رئيس قسم الضبط المروري في مديرية المرور والدوريات بقطاع العمليات المركزية أن الأصوات العالية لا تزعج الأذن فقط، بل تثير الحالة النفسية والعصبية لدى السائقين، وقد ينعكس ذلك على سلوكيات قائدي المركبات وقد يؤدي إلى انحراف المركبة عن مسارها وتسببها في حادث مروري. ودعا الخييلي قائدي المركبات وخاصة السائقين الشباب إلى الحد من التصرفات السلبية التي يقوم بها البعض بالضجيج والإزعاج الصادر عن مركباتهم، نتيجة لإجراء تعديلات عليها لتضخيم أصواتها، وتشغيل جهاز التسجيل بأصوات عالية من أجل لفت الأنظار والتباهي مخالفين بذلك قانون السير والمرور. وكانت مرور أبوظبي نظمت من خلال خطتها التوعوية للعام الجاري العديد من البرامج التوعوية بالجامعات ومؤسسات التعليم العالي لتثقيف الشباب بقانون السير والمرور، والأضرار المجتمعية المترتبة على التصرفات الخاطئة وتشمل تزويد المركبات وتضخيم أصواتها للتباهي، والأضرار الناتجة عنها، وتخالف المركبات التي يتم ضبطها لتسببها في الضجيج بتطبيق المادة “20” من قانون المرور “قيادة مركبة تسبب ضجيج ” بـ الغرامة 2000 درهم و12 نقطة مرورية “. #شرطة_أبوظبي #الإمارات #أبوظبي #أخبار_شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني ‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolice #ADPolice_news #security_media

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Also read: New Radars in Abu Dhabi to Catch Motorists for Driving Vehicles with Expired Registration

Official Statement on Driving Noisy Vehicles

The excessive use of horns to demand the “right of way” or to notify other motorists of a potential hazard ahead are prohibited practices in the UAE according to the traffic law. Lt. Col. Khalifa Al Khaili, Head of Traffic Control Department said that the excessive use of horns can affect hearing and it can also cause anxiety and stress. This anxiety and stress can then reflect in the way motorists drive their vehicles, which can prove to be extremely hazardous on a busy road. He said that motorists are not allowed to demand the right of way by using excessive horns and any such practice will be strictly dealt with.

According to Lt. Col. Khalifa Al Khaili, this is a common practice amongst young motorists to tweak their vehicle with amplifiers, which causes an even bigger distraction and any such practice is strictly forbidden on Abu Dhabi roads. He also urged drivers to remain extra careful while driving near schools and hospitals and avoid honking or increasing music volume in their cars.

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Plans to Revise the Speed Limits on Highways

How Can Noisy Vehicles Cause Dangerous Road Situations?

Understanding how noise pollution can cause dangerous road situations is important in order to discourage oneself from unnecessary use of horns, high-volume music and modifying a vehicle with the use of amplifiers. The fear of being penalized with heavy traffic penalties could also be another factor that can discourage motorists from committing this traffic violation.

Here is how noisy vehicles can potentially cause a dangerous road accident:

  • Honking or excessive use of loud horns can distract other motorists, which can possibly decrease their reaction time to an emergency situation on the road. Using horns to demand the right of way also causes the motorist ahead to change lanes quickly while being distracted by constant honking, which can lead to a dangerous road accident.
  • Blasting the stereo system of your vehicle can put your own safety at risk and increase the likelihood of a dangerous road accident. Being distracted, a driver cannot concentrate on the road and surroundings, which can lower the response time to a challenging road situation such as sudden high-speed braking to avoid a front-end collision or giving way to an emergency vehicle. This can again prove to have dangerous consequences on a busy road.

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Driving Without a Driving License


Noise making cars can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic on a busy road. Motorists need to be very careful as it is not just a traffic violation with hefty penalties, but also a life-threatening driving mistake that can put the safety of other commuters at serious risk. Motorists must not overuse their vehicle’s horns as authorities have adopted a tougher stance against offenders and escaping hefty traffic penalties will be impossible for this traffic violation in Abu Dhabi.

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