5 Tips to Drive Safely on Busy Highways of the UAE

5 Tips to Drive Safely on Busy Highways of the UAE

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Driving on a busy highway can be a serious challenge for both young and experienced drivers. The monotonous nature of driving, heavy traffic in peak hours and driving in immediate proximity of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) are the challenges that motorists can face while driving on busy highways across the UAE. However, by following some simple road safety tips and being well-prepared to take on any difficult situation confidently can help in driving safely on the busy highways of the UAE.

Here are 5 most important tips to drive safely on busy highways of the UAE.

Keep Your Car Well-Maintained

Keeping your car well-maintained matters a great deal, especially in the summer season. You must regularly maintain your vehicle according to the instructions mentioned in the car owner’s manual and never delay a scheduled checkup if your car is older than three to five years. Apart from regular maintenance of a vehicle to avoid its sudden breakdown on a busy highway, you should also check the horn, turn signals and all the lights of your vehicle before setting off for a highway journey. If any component is not working as it should, then you must get it inspected by an expert. Keeping your car well-maintained minimizes the risk of a sudden car breakdown on a busy highway even in the most extreme weather conditions.

Also read: 6 Things to Do When your Car Breaks Down on Highway in the UAE

Stay Attentive at all Times

Maintaining 100% attention on the road at all times is important to avoid difficult traffic situations on busy highways. It is one of the basic safety protocols that often get ignored by motorists in the UAE. By being attentive, it means to avoid all possible distractions such as use of mobile phone, talking to other passengers in the vehicle and eating snacks while driving. You might feel you can do multitasking easily while driving, but be reminded that it only takes a few seconds of distraction on a busy road to cause a fatal road accident.

Distracted driving is a serious traffic violation in the UAE and motorists can be penalized for more than one violation if they fail to maintain their attention on the road. Motorists can be penalized with a fine of AED 800 and four black points for “using mobile while driving.” On the other hand, “being distracted by any other thing while driving” also incurs the same penalty of an AED 800 fine and 4 black points.

Also read: Dubai Police Warns Motorists against Using Mobile Phone While Driving

Maintain Safe Distance from Heavy Commercial Vehicles

Driving near Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) on a busy highway of the UAE is another serious challenge that the light vehicle motorists can face on a regular basis. Young drivers can especially find it difficult to maneuver their vehicle near a heavy truck or commercial vehicle because of their limited exposure to facing such challenges on a busy highway.

Light vehicle motorists should follow the safety practices mentioned below to drive safely near big trucks on the UAE’s busy highways:

  • Leave sufficient space if you are driving ahead of a truck as heavy vehicles need a longer stopping distance because of their mammoth dimensions and tons of weight that they are loaded with.
  • Avoid overtaking a truck when it is making a turn.
  • Don’t drive too close to a heavy vehicle on the highway as a sudden tyre blowout in an HCV can spell disaster for vehicles in its proximity.
  • Don’t try to accelerate past a truck from the right side as the blind spots of a truck are bigger on the right side. It is advised to pass a truck from the left side at a steady speed and avoid applying sudden brakes after passing the truck even if you have already covered a safe distance.
  • Be extra careful and always maintain a safe distance from HCVs in windy conditions as a heavily loaded commercial vehicle becomes vulnerable to sudden swaying under the influence of strong winds.

Also read: Safety Tips for Driving Around Big Trucks on Highways

Take Rest Brakes

You must be well-rested to be able to drive safely on the busy highways of the UAE. Most of the fatal highway accidents are caused by drivers who fall asleep while driving because they are too tired to maintain their attention on the road for long durations. Completing six to eight hours of sleep before setting off for a long journey is essential to driving safely on highways.

On the other hand, you should also take rest breaks while driving on highways to keep yourself fresh and well-rested. There are specified rest areas for motorists on the UAE’s highways where they can stop, rest and eat. Motorists should drink lots of water every time they pull over for a rest break as staying hydrated can release the anxiety of long journeys effectively.

Also read: 6 Important Tips to Drive Safely at Night

Avoid Reckless Driving

Reckless driving has been a major road safety concern for authorities in the UAE. Motorists have been repeatedly warned by authorities against dangerous traffic violations that put the road safety situation at risk and disrupt the flow of traffic on busy highways.

Here is what you must not do on a busy highway:

  • Tailgating
  • Over-speeding
  • Sudden lane change
  • Changing lanes without using indicators
  • Driving on a hard shoulder
  • Not giving way to emergency vehicles

The above-mentioned violations are the most frequently committed violations by motorists driving on the UAE’s busy highways, which has continued to deteriorate the road safety situation in the country. Motorists must avoid these violations as these violations can have fatal consequences. Motorists will have to face heavy penalties for committing these violations as the advanced traffic monitoring radars and cameras on highways can even detect the smallest of driving mistakes committed by multiple motorists at the same time with an incredible accuracy.

Also read: Reckless Driving Violations: Risks, Fines and Penalties in the UAE

Be Well-Prepared to Drive Safely on the Busy Highways!

Besides following all the aforementioned tips to drive safely on busy highways across the UAE, you should also plan your trip intelligently. You should use Google Maps to identify congested areas on highways and plan your trip accordingly. It can always be a good option to delay your journey by a few minutes or hours to avoid a frustrating traffic congestion that can waste your time anyway and build anxiety. By following all of these safe driving tips and with the help of a confident driving approach, highway journeys can become a lot safer and trouble-free for motorists in the UAE.

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