Make your own emergency tool-kit

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Have you ever been stuck on the side of the road in the middle of the interstate with a car that won’t start? This can be even more frustrating if you don’t have the tools to fix the problem. More often than not, the car could get up and going with a simple tweak, and if not, you still need the supplies to stay safe while you are waiting for a tow truck. That is why you should have your own emergency toolkit!

I was visiting a friend the other day and he was telling me how he had broken down on the side of the road the day before. He has a brand new car! The radiator hose had come loose and he didn’t have any tools to fix it – all he needed was a pair of pliers! A quick task turned into a nightmare of waiting for someone to pick him up, going home to get what he needed and then going back to where he was, not to mention he had to fit it into his already busy schedule. So, even though there is very little space for a nice set of tools, there are a few things that are essential when going on the road; even just to work. Here is what you need:


A shoebox, or a plastic container about that size

Water pump pliers

Side cutter

Round nose pliers

Vice grip

A water bottle

Screw drivers

Allen wrenches

A small saw


Electrical tape

Duct tape

A pocketknife


Hose clamps

…. and an old white T-shirt (just in case!)


You may even want to add a few extra things like a pack of crackers, a blanket, extra toilet paper or bandages. You’ll want to check this kit every few weeks or so to make sure that the batteries in the flashlight work. Once you have this together, find a good spot for it in your car or truck that is out of the way and hope you may never need to use it!


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