Safety Tips for Driving Around Big Trucks on Highways

Safety Tips for Driving Around Big Trucks on Highways

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Anyone who has driven on highways would have experienced driving around a big truck or heavy commercial vehicle at some point. The experienced drivers will tell that driving around a large vehicle like a big truck is not the same as driving around other vehicles. You need to be more watchful and avoid making sudden moves, particularly when driving close to a big truck. The sheer size of these trucks should warn the drivers against any reckless driving behavior such as trying to overtake the trucks or leaving negligible distance between their vehicle and the truck ahead.

Unfortunately, accidents caused by trucks and heavy commercial vehicles mostly have fatal consequences. This year, 62 accidents have been recorded in Dubai that involved big trucks. According to traffic authorities, 12 people were killed in these accidents and 82 were left injured. This is the reason why motorists should always keep a safe distance from the big trucks and follow some important road safety protocols when driving around these giant vehicles.

Here are the road safety tips for driving around big trucks on highways.

Understand that Trucks Need More Time to Stop

You should be careful when driving near a truck and always keep in mind that trucks can take more time to stop as they require a longer stopping distance. The stopping distance is basically a measure of three components which include the perception time, reaction time and braking distance. According to an estimate, a normal passenger vehicle carrying 3,000-4,000 pounds travelling at 65mph in ideal driving conditions would take around 316 feet to stop. On the other hand, a fully loaded truck weighing around 80,000 pounds travelling at 65mph in ideal driving conditions may take up to 525 feet to stop. It means that you need to leave extra space when driving ahead of a big truck.

Don’t Over-take a Truck When it is making a Turn

Trying to over-take a truck when it is making a turn can have fatal consequences. The trucks tend to swirl and swing wide when they are making a turn and as a result, the truck drivers can’t clearly locate the vehicles behind or beside them. The blind spot increases for a truck driver while making a turn and if other drivers try to over-take it at a high speed, it can result in a deadly collision. Drivers should always be extremely watchful when a truck is trying to make a wide turn and should avoid to over-take it when the see the track’s turn signal switched on.

Be Watchful of a Tyre Blowout

Big trucks and heavy vehicles usually carry enormous weight, which increases the risk of a tyre blowout situation, especially if the tyres of these vehicles are ill-maintained. You need to make sure that you maintain a fair distance from a big truck while driving on the highway so that even if a truck swerves in an uncontrolled manner due to a tyre blowout, you don’t find yourself driving too close to it.

Remain Extra Careful in Windy Conditions

Motorists should be extra careful when driving near a truck in windy conditions because a strong wind can make it tough to maneuver a fully loaded truck. The height of trucks can be increased in order to make space for extra luggage, which can make these vehicles susceptible to unintentional swerving or even falling to one side as a strong crosswind can push-over these big vehicles easily. As a result, a truck can even swing, slip and ram into the vehicles in its proximity or even fall on one of its sides. This is why it is important to remain extra careful when driving on the highway in windy conditions.

Remain Extra Careful in Windy Conditions

Pass a Truck at a Steady Speed

Trucks and heavy commercial vehicles usually have huge blind spots, especially on their right side. You need to make sure that you pass a truck from the left side and maintain a moderate speed while doing so. After passing the truck, maintain enough distance from the truck and don’t apply sudden brakes as this can easily cause a backend collision due to the fact that truck need longer distance to break.

Don’t Use Bright or High Beam Lights When Driving Near a Truck

During nighttime, you should always try to avoid using a high beam or bright light when you are driving near a truck. Trucks have large size mirrors which can reflect the bright light into the eyes of the truck driver, thus causing temporary blindness. In such a situation, a truck driver can commit a dangerous driving mistake and a poor judgment can result in a fatal road accident.

Dubai Traffic Authorities launch a new Awareness Campaign for Truck Drivers

While motorists should drive carefully around big trucks, it is also important for truck drivers to follow safety protocols to avoid fatal collisions with other vehicles.

Dangerous accidents involving trucks and heavy commercial vehicles have been on the rise this year in Dubai because of the following dangerous driving mistakes committed by truck drivers:

Dubai Traffic Department has launched a new awareness campaign that targets truck drivers and guides them to develop an understanding of road safety practices. Brigadier General Saif Muhair Al Mazrouei, Director General of the Dubai traffic department, said that the new campaign has been launched to make truck drivers aware of the traffic safety rules so that dangerous accidents involving trucks and other heavy vehicles can be avoided in Dubai.

To educate the truck drivers, the authorities have set up a tent at the truck stop in Al Aweer area. Lectures and training sessions will be conducted for truck drivers as part of this campaign and authorities will also distribute brochures on road safety procedures among the truck drivers.

Also read: Traffic Violations Decrease in Dubai after Implementation of the Newly Amended Traffic Law


While truck drivers need to avoid making dangerous driving mistakes, motorists should also acknowledge the sheer size of these vehicles and always remain extra careful when driving around big trucks and heavy commercial vehicles. Road safety can be ensured on the busy highways only if both truck drivers and motorists follow the safe driving practices.

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