Major Reason Behind Road Deaths in Abu Dhabi Revealed

Major Reason Behind Road Deaths in Abu Dhabi Revealed

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Abu Dhabi traffic authorities have revealed the number one reason for road deaths recorded during the first nine months of 2017 in the emirate. Surprisingly, even after the implementation of the recently amended traffic law that increased the penalties for this particular violation, motorists remained persistent on committing it. Not wearing a seatbelt while driving has emerged as the number one reason for road deaths during first nine months of 2017 in Abu Dhabi.

The count for seatbelt violations has reduced after the implementation of the new traffic law, but the collective figures of 2017 clearly highlight the reckless behavior of motorists who repeatedly committed seatbelt violations in Abu Dhabi. Motorists need to recognize that wearing a seatbelt is a fundamental road safety principle as it guarantees safety from fatal injuries in the event of a dangerous accident.

Fatal Impact of Seatbelt Violations in 2017

During the first nine months of 2017, 60% of the road deaths in Abu Dhabi were caused because of the seatbelt violations. According to Abu Dhabi Traffic Police, 39,956 fines were issued to motorists for seatbelt violations during the first nine months of the year.

A new seatbelt policy was introduced in the recently amended traffic law that was aimed at making motorists more watchful of their own safety and the safety of passengers in the vehicle. Improving child safety and safety of the passengers sitting in the back seat of a vehicle was the main focus of the new seatbelt rules.

Also read: 37,519 Motorists Fined for Not Wearing Seatbelts in Dubai

Seatbelt Rules that Motorists Should Never Ignore

In the newly amended traffic law, fines and penalties for seatbelt violations were changed and some new child safety protocols were introduced in the new seatbelt rules. In line with these rules, motorists are now penalized with four black points issued against the license of the driver and a fine of AED 400 is issued for each passenger failing to wear a seatbelt in the vehicle. It is now the responsibility of the driver to make sure that all passengers, including the back seat passengers are wearing seatbelts.

Seatbelt Rules that Motorists Should Never Ignore

Child safety was particularly emphasized in the new seatbelt rules. As per the new child safety protocols, motorists must get child safety seat with top tethering anchors installed (if not already installed) in their vehicles and children under the age of 4 years should only be seated in child safety seats. Additionally, children under the age of 10 years or below the height of 145cm should be seated in the back seat and bucked up.

Also read: 7,592 Traffic Violations in Abu Dhabi after the Amended Traffic Law

Official Statement about the Risks of Seatbelt Violations

Seatbelt violations have worsened the road safety situation in Abu Dhabi during the first nine months of 2017. It has been a continuous challenge for traffic authorities to make motorists aware of the risks of seatbelt violations and the life-threatening nature of this violation.

Brigadier Ahmed Al Shihhi, Deputy Director at the Traffic Directorate of the Police said that not wearing a seatbelt increases the risk of serious injuries in the event of an accident. He reminded motorists of the penalties that they could face for seatbelt violations and said that a fine of AED 400 per passenger would be levied on the driver for failing to ensure that all passengers in the vehicle are buckled up. Motorists will also face four black points against their driving license for seatbelt violations.

Lieutenant Mohsen Al Mansouri, Deputy Director of Al Ain Traffic Department also urged motorists to follow traffic rules in order to ensure their own safety and that of the other motorists on the road. He emphasized the importance of wearing a seatbelt while driving and said that it is one of the basic safety protocols that motorists should never ignore.

Also read: Safe Driving Tips for Young Drivers in the UAE


Wearing a seatbelt and having a child passenger seated in the child safety seat can minimize the risk of fatal injuries in a dangerous road situation. Motorists who don’t wear a seatbelt find themselves at the highest risk of being thrown out of the vehicle in event of a dangerous road accident, which can have deadly consequences.

In a recent survey that was conducted by RoadSafetyUAE and QIC Insured, motorists were asked about reasons for not wearing a seatbelt. According to the results of this survey, drivers were found guilty of ignoring seatbelt rules for some surprising reasons. It was revealed that a large number of drivers buckled themselves up but forgot to ask other passengers in the vehicle to wear the seatbelt. It also highlighted that a large percentage of passengers in the back seat didn’t feel comfortable wearing a seatbelt.

The traffic authorities have been continuously launching awareness campaigns to make motorists aware of the consequences of seatbelt violations. However, the road safety situation can only improve in Abu Dhabi if motorists change their mindset and make wearing seatbelt their habit.

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