New Training Courses Offered for Drivers with Black Points in Abu Dhabi

New Training Courses Offered for Drivers with Black Points in Abu Dhabi

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In a bid to improve the road safety situation in Abu Dhabi and to offer relief to the traffic offenders, the Abu Dhabi Police has launched training courses for drivers who wish to reduce black points issued against their driving license. The training courses have been designed to help the offenders learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating dangerous traffic violations. Drivers who commit dangerous traffic violations in the UAE are penalized with black points, once the black points issued against a driving license amount to 24, the driving license is cancelled.

In some cases, where a driver is found guilty of committing dangerous traffic violations that could result in fatalities, the traffic authorities can straightway cancel the driving license as these dangerous violations have a penalty of 24 black points. However, the Abu Dhabi Police has now launched three different training programs, which motorists can complete and reduce the black points against their driving license.

Also read: Traffic Violations that Can Lead to Cancellation of a Driving License in the UAE

Details of the Training Courses Offered by Abu Dhabi Police

The Abu Dhabi Police has offered three new training courses for offenders with black points against their driving license. These courses are categorized on the basis of the number of black points issued against the license. The first training course is for drivers that have 8 to 23 black points against their license. These drivers can reduce a maximum of 8 black points per year if they complete the training.

The second training course is designed for drivers with more than 24 black points against their license. The third training course is offered to the drivers for whom the court has ordered the confiscation of their vehicle.

Official Statement about the Launch of Training Courses

Major General Maktoum Ali Al Sharifi, the Director General of Abu Dhabi Police said that the new training courses offered by Abu Dhabi Police will provide an excellent opportunity to offenders to learn from their mistakes and comply with the traffic rules and regulations better than before. He added that the ultimate aim of these courses is to improve road safety by spreading awareness among offenders about safe driving habits. The three programs are specifically designed for offenders that were either involved in the most dangerous traffic violations or committed minor traffic violations repeatedly.

Where will the Training be conducted?

The training courses will be conducted at Traffic and Patrols Directorate Buildings in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi. All additional information about the new training courses for offenders can be collected by calling the Police Services number, 600 566006.

Other Black Points Reduction Courses or Programmes in the UAE

Other than the three training courses offered by the Abu Dhabi Police, some other federal organizations are also offering different programmes aimed at providing traffic offenders with an opportunity to rectify their mistakes and reduce black points issued against their driving license.

One such programme is offered by the Emirates Driving Company, which motorists can attend to reduce black points against their license. This programme consists of lessons, theory tuition and a simulator course.

The General Department of Traffic is also offering training courses that can help the traffic offenders to reduce black points issued against their driving license because of repetitive traffic offences.

Traffic Violations with Maximum Black Points

Motorists in the UAE must understand that some violations on the basis of being more dangerous than others have a higher black points’ penalty. There are also some violations which are most commonly committed by drivers due to inattentive driving, reckless driving behavior or panicked driving.

All such violations are given in the table below:

Traffic Penalties for Over-speeding Violations

Motorists must avoid these traffic violations as this is the only way to avoid having black points issued against a driving license. The traffic monitoring system across the UAE is one of the best in the world as it is loaded with highly responsive advanced radars and monitoring cameras to catch even the smallest of traffic violations committed by drivers. Motorists should know that their driving license can be cancelled if the number of black points against their license amount to 24. However, the new training courses offer an ideal opportunity for traffic offenders to rectify their mistakes and reduce the number of black points issued against their license by completing these courses successfully.

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