Dangerous Traffic Violations Decrease in Sharjah in 2017

Dangerous Traffic Violations Decrease in Sharjah in 2017

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In an encouraging new development, Sharjah traffic authorities have observed a significant decrease in traffic violations committed by motorists in 2017. The statistics for two dangerous traffic violations were recently revealed by authorities, which showed that road safety had improved in the emirate in 2017, especially after the implementation of the recently amended traffic law that imposed stricter fines and penalties on traffic offenders.

Sharjah Police revealed the stats about seatbelt violations recorded in the first nine months of 2017, while another report was revealed about the red signal violations recorded in last three months, both of which mark the period after the implementation of new traffic law as a sign of improvement in road safety.

Also read: New Radars to be installed on Sharjah Roads to Catch Tailgaters and Speeding Motorists

Facts and Figures about Seatbelt Violations Recorded in the First Nine Months of 2017

According to Sharjah Police, a noticeable decrease in seatbelt violations was observed on comparing the seatbelt violations of first nine months of 2017 with the seatbelt violations recorded in the same period of 2016. Motorists committed 8,781 seatbelt violations in the first nine months of 2017 while in 2016, motorists had committed 27,238 violations during the same period.

This decrease in seatbelt violations can be attributed to a number of recent developments which mainly include implementation of new seatbelt policy focused on enhanced child safety in cars and awareness campaigns launched by traffic authorities to aware motorists of the hazards of not wearing a seatbelt. Other than these amazing initiatives, the launch of new advanced radars on all major roads of Sharjah has also helped in discouraging motorists from committing seatbelt violations.

Drivers must wear seatbelts

Facts and Figures about Red Signal Violations in Last Three Months of 2017

Just like the seatbelt violations that decreased considerably in the first nine months of 2017, the red signal violations also witnessed an encouraging drop in the three months following the implementation of recently amended traffic law.

Sharjah Police recorded 5,435 violations where motorists jumped the red signal in last three months. The figures showed a 53% decrease from the red signal violations recorded in the same period of 2016. In 2016, 11,616 red signal violations were recorded, which clearly put the road safety of motorists at serious risk because red signal violations increase the danger of run-over accidents and fatal road accidents. The road safety situation has certainly improved after the implementation of the new traffic law and it is evident from the statistics mentioned above, but traffic authorities are still focused on reducing the fatal red signal violations to a bare minimum so that road deaths can be decreased in the emirate.

Also read: Traffic Violations that Can Lead to Cancellation of a Driving License in the UAE

Official Statement about the Decrease in Traffic Violations in 2017

Major Abdul Rahman Khatr, Director of the Traffic Awareness Branch at Sharjah Police said that it is important to wear seatbelts as it can reduce the probability fatal injuries in event of an accident. He added that motorists must follow the rules of child safety seat and should never make a child below 10 years of age sit in the front seat. He emphasized on installing the child safety seat with tethering anchors in the back seat and strapping up children safely in it.

Major Abdul Rahman Khatr also warned the motorists against red signal violations and said that despite repeated warnings issued against the dangers of jumping the red signal, motorists commit these violations which put safety of other commuters at a serious risk. He also acknowledged the efforts of Sharjah Police on launching campaigns for the well-being and safety of motorists.

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Penalties for Seatbelt Violations and Red Signal Violations

Both seatbelt violations and red signal violations are among the most dangerous traffic violations in the UAE. The penalties for seatbelt violations include a fine of AED 400 and four black points issued against the driver’s license. Additionally, motorists must know that the driver of the vehicle is fined AED 400 per person who fails to wear a seatbelt in the vehicle.

The penalties for red signal violations are tougher as this offence can have deadlier consequences. The penalties include a fine of AED 1,000 and 12 black points issued against the driver’s license. Motorists must not commit these violations if they want to avoid serious traffic penalties, which can even lead to the cancellation of their license.

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