White Point System to be implemented across the UAE

White Point System to be implemented across the UAE

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Federal Traffic Council in the UAE has implemented the White Point System across the UAE after its successful implementation in Dubai. This system was first introduced in 2012 and for five years, it has only remained functional in Dubai. The authorities have now decided to expand the scope of White Point System to benefit motorists of all seven emirates of the country. White Point System is a highly transparent system that awards the most disciplined motorists of the year with prizes and giveaways. The grand prize, which is awarded to most disciplined motorists of the year, is a brand new luxury car.

Also read: Two Safe Drivers Win Cars in Dubai under White Point System

Details of the New Announcement about the White Point System

The Assistant Commander in Chief of Dubai Police for Operational Affairs and the Director of FTC, Major-General Mohammad Saif Al Zafein announced that the White Point System will now reward the motorists across the UAE for following traffic rules. He also declared that the winners from across the UAE will be rewarded in a ceremony that will be held in December 2018.  This new development is a step forward in the direction of improving road safety standards across the UAE as the authorities aim to bring the road fatalities down to 3 deaths per 100,000 people by 2021. According to Major Saif Al Zafein, this initiative and many other such recent initiatives are focused on encouraging motorists to follow road safety practices so that the overall road safety situation in the UAE can be improved.

Major Saif Al Zafein added that by encouraging motorists with the benefits of White Point System, the traffic authorities look to find new ways of improving the road safety in the UAE other than only by penalizing motorists for their irresponsible behavior. Major Saif Al Zafein also announced that the tinting limit for car windows in the UAE has been increased from 30% to 50% in order to reduce the effect of extra heat while driving. These are highly encouraging initiatives taken by the traffic authorities that are expected to have a positive influence on motorists.

How the White Point System Works?

White Point System offers incentives to motorists for obeying the traffic rules and rewards them with prizes, cancellation of traffic fines and the grand prize of a brand new luxury car. This system urges motorists to maintain discipline throughout the year in order to claim maximum white points and earn some amazing prizes. Motorists can earn a maximum of two white points every month if they don’t commit any violation in the entire month.

It means motorists can secure a maximum of 24 white points in a year, which can make them eligible to win a brand new luxury car. Motorists, who couldn’t maintain a completely clean record but managed to earn white points by committing only a few minor violations, can also earn some valuable prizes. The prize distribution ceremonies are held at different times of the year to award white points winners. In May 2017, two motorists were awarded brand new luxury cars for not committing a single traffic violation throughout the year, while 2,000 other motorists were also given gifts and prizes.

It is important to note here that motorists will not be eligible to earn any white points if they were charged with a serious traffic violation that warranted 24 black points against their license. In case, if someone is driving someone else’s vehicle and commits a serious traffic violation, the already earned white points of both the driver and owner of the vehicle will be cancelled.


The White Point System will now offer benefits to motorists across the UAE, which is a great development.  This system offers incentives to motorists for complying with traffic rules, which is extremely important to improve road safety situation all over the UAE. The road safety standards in Dubai have improved a great deal after the implementation of the White Point System in 2012 and authorities are now looking to achieve the same results across the UAE by expanding the scope of this system.

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