Tinting Limit for Car Windows Extended to 50% in the UAE

Tinting Limit for Car Windows Extended to 50% in the UAE

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In view of the UAE’s scorching heat that is increasing day by day, the traffic authorities have introduced a welcoming change in the car windows tinting rule. According to the new rule, car owners will be allowed to tint the windows of their cars up to 50%. Earlier, car owners in the UAE could only tint their car windows up to 30%, but with the mercury touching 50 Degree Celsius multiple times in the UAE this summer, authorities have allowed an extra 20% tinting of car windows to reduce the accumulation of extra heat inside the cars. A large number of motorists were penalized for tinting their cars above the allowed limit last year and the new tinting rule brings a delightful change for motorists who wanted an extension in the long-standing 30% tinting rule.

Also read: New Traffic Rule Amendments in the UAE – Everything You Need to Know

Official Statement about the Change in Tinting Rule for Car Windows

The Assistant Commander in Chief of Dubai Police for Operational Affairs and the Director of FTC, Major-General Mohammad Saif Al Zafein said that the new tinting rule will allow the car owners to tint their car windows up to 50% under the Article 9 of the new traffic law. It is important to know that the tinting rule has been changed for all types of cars except for taxis and trucks. The new rule also allows rental and company cars to be tinted as per the new rule. According to the new rule, car owners can tint all windows of their cars except the front windscreens.

Benefits of the Extended Tinting Limit for Car Windows

The extra tinting of car windows will help reduce the entry and then the accumulation of heat inside the car, which will be crucial in keeping a car cool in summer. Air conditioning system loses its efficiency in summer to a large extent because of the extremely hot and humid conditions in the UAE, but with more tinting, the efficiency of air conditioning systems inside the car will also improve. Motorists must also make sure that the air conditioning system of their cars are maintained properly and a service checkup before the start of summer season can be ideal for consistency in the AC’s performance throughout the season.

Maintain your Car’s Air Conditioning System

Also read: How to Maintain your Car’s Air Conditioning System this Summer

How to Keep Your Cars Cool This Summer?

While the new law for tinting the car windows will help to keep cars cool this summer, there are some other ways too that can prove to be beneficial in bringing down the temperatures inside your car. These include:

  • Park your car in a shade so that extra heat does not accumulate inside the car. If you cannot find a shaded parking spot, park your car against the direction of sunlight so that maximum intensity of the heat is sustained by rear-end of your car. If you can then before sitting in the car, you can put wet towels on your car seat to absorb the heat. This will reduce the effect of heat inside the car considerably.
  • When you sit in your car that had been exposed to sunlight for few or more hours, keep the car windows opened for a while and adjust the fan speed to maximum. This will blow maximum heat out of the vehicle and help in bringing down the temperature inside your car. When the cabin temperature becomes normal, close the windows and turn on the AC. This practice will help you to get rid of extra heat from your car quickly.
  • Keep the direction of your steering wheel downwards and cover the dashboard with a towel when you have to park your vehicle in sunlight. This practice prevents the dashboard and steering wheel from absorbing heat.

Keep the direction of your steering wheel downwards and cover the dashboard with a towel

Car tinting rule change will make life a lot easier for motorists in the extremely hot conditions of the UAE. However, motorists need to make sure that they don’t get their car windows tinted above 50% as that will be against the law and motorists will have to pay a heavy fine of AED 1,500 for this violation. The new traffic law implemented from July 1st, 2017, brings into consideration some new traffic rules that cater to the well-being of the motorists and are expected to improve the road safety standards in the UAE.

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