6 Important Tips to Pass the Driving Test in Dubai

6 Important Tips to Pass the Driving Test in Dubai

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Getting a driving license in Dubai is not easy, especially if you are an expat in the UAE or applying for the driving license for the first time. The driving license of a few selected countries is valid in the UAE, which means residents of these countries can drive a vehicle without acquiring a new driving license in Dubai. On the other hand, expats from other countries must complete the training and pass a driving test in order to get a driving license.

The training involves lessons and theory tests that help drivers understand the basic driving skills and make them aware of the traffic rules and traffic violations in Dubai. Any driver who passes the theory tests is eligible to appear for a driving test and the success in the driving test will ensure that the driver will be issued a driving license by the authorities.

While the theory tests might not pose a great difficulty, the driving test can be tough as it not only tests the skills and knowledge of the driver, but also the driver’s confidence and alertness. You cannot drive in Dubai without having a driving license and to get a driving license, you have to pass the driving test.

Let’s explore some essential tips that everyone should follow to pass a driving test in Dubai.

Also read: Guidelines to Getting the Driving License in Dubai

Make the Initial Adjustments Quickly

When it’s your turn to take the driving test and you have been asked to get in the driver’s seat, you have to show confidence and awareness of correct adjustment practices. Make the initial adjustments quickly including the adjustment of seat and mirrors, it is very important as any unnecessary delay in it can put a negative impression of your driving skills on the examiner. At times drivers try to impress the examiners by showing overconfidence and either take extra or too little time for these adjustments. This is clearly wrong because the examiner critically observes how much time you take to make these adjustments.

Don’t Apply Sudden Brakes

During the driving test, some drivers apply sudden brakes and turn the hazard lights on when they see a pedestrian on the road. At times, drivers apply brakes without checking the fast approaching vehicles from behind in the rear-view mirror and that can result in a rear-end collision. Applying sudden brakes in such a manner shows nervousness and lack of confidence in the driver’s attitude and can certainly become a reason for failure in the driving test. Pedestrians at times approach the crossing area and do not immediately cross the road, instead they wait for others to cross the road together. So, it is advised that the driver should always keep an eye on the vehicles behind using the rear-view mirror and only apply brakes if a pedestrian steps on the road.

Stay Calm When You are Asked to Drive the Car

Mostly, two or three drivers take the driving test together in one car. When you are asked to drive the car after the other driver completes the test, remain calm and let the other driver get settled at the back seat before you drive the car. Remember that according to the new amended traffic law, all the occupants of the car must wear seatbelts, so when the other driver settles in, be sure to ask him/her to buckle-up. The examiner will try to spot any signs of panic when you are asked to take the driving seat and this is where a confident approach can be crucial. It must be noted that you should never drive the car before everyone is settled inside the car, which includes buckling-up.

Drivers must wear seatbelts

Also read: New Traffic Rule Amendments in the UAE – Everything You Need to Know

Be Careful While Changing the Lanes

Switching between lanes is the most difficult phase of the driving test as it tests the driver’s control and handling of the vehicle. Drivers must listen to the instructions of the examiner and change the lane only when the road is clear. If the examiner asks you to change the lane and you can see fast approaching vehicles in the rear-view mirror, say no to the examiner and wait for the lane to clear before switching.

Follow the Instructions of Examiner

While you take the driving test, make sure that you follow the instructions of the examiner. The examiner is always aware of the safety protocols and will never ask you to do something that goes against road safety. However, in order to check your driving skills, the examiner might ask you to do few indifferent things like applying the emergency brake, parking the vehicle in front of a gate or crossing the yellow line. It can always add to your score and help you get a driving license easily if you follow all the instructions of the examiner in an effective way, which includes either refusing or delaying response depending on the instruction given. Do not be afraid to refuse to park the car in front of a gate or crossing area or not changing the lane immediately and waiting for the lane to clear up before making your move.

Don’t Press the Accelerator in Neutral

Once the driving test is over, some drivers tend to press the accelerator while the car is in the neutral gear. Drivers should avoid it because such a mistake can straightway fail you in your driving test. Staying confident through the test and even after finishing the test is all that is required of you to pass your driving test as this is something the examiner critically observes.

Practice for a Driving Test without Actually Driving

You cannot prepare for the driving test by driving a vehicle as it is strictly prohibited to drive any vehicle on the road while you are attending the training sessions and haven’t been issued a driving license. However, you can still learn a few things about driving by being in the car with a relative or friend who has a driving license and is an experienced driver. While sitting in the front seat with an experienced driver, you can actually learn a lot by observing how the driver applies brakes, changes lanes, moves the steering and controls the vehicle at different speeds. By observing how an experienced driver drives a vehicle, you can effectively prepare for the driving test and the chances of passing the driving test increase if you do it and follow all the above mentioned tips.

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